Black December of individualities with the cry of solidarity of new, anarchic, black and direct solidarity solidarity by flaming barricades, Molotov cocktails, bullets, daggers expropriations, explosions, arsons, acts of sabotage pamphlets, banners, verses, texts actions claimed or not multiple anti-hierarchical gestures and an infinity of attacks Comrade Sebastian Angry Oversluij […]
On July 3rd, there was a solidarity demonstration against repression in Mexico, organized outside the Mexican Consulate in Indianapolis, USA. The text of the flyer distributed during the demonstration: On June 16, 2015, the Anarchist Black Cross-Mexico, an anti-repression organization, released word describing an escalation of the harassment and surveillance […]
In the last few years, we have seen how the escalation of repression has intensified around the libertarian and anarchist movement through the strategies used here in Mexico City: Setting very high bond amounts, and applying the same package of charges, always aggravated, without giving much importance to the specific […]
Communique on the incendiary attack carried out against SEDESOL for a Black June To peoples, barrios, and communities To everyone who is organizing and struggling To our comrades To the free media To all Mexicans You propose scorched earth whether it be cultivated soil or ground laid to waste I […]
June 12th, after midnight. Using a simple weapon we decided to attack against the Banamex bank branch located at the junction of Sullivan Avenue and the inner-city motorway Circuito Interior, in the heart of the city. We stood right in front of their vigilance system: patrol cars that move around […]
Note from Contra Info: We received the following text on March 6th 2015, accompanied by this short introduction that precedes. The following communiqué has arrived for its dissemination and claims the explosive attack at dawn on March 6th at a bank branch (Banamex) located in the municipality of Ecatepec de […]
April 5th. Mexico City. Today someone will wake up, and as every other morning before anything else they will check their facebook account or some other virtual media developed to exert a major control over us, over our activities; to turn our forms of interaction into mere algorithms used for […]
The only thing that the state uses as its last strategic resource is to bring poverty and repression against those who rebel. It tries to save its existence by using control over human relations and the economy. Just as the state and capitalism exist, also their enemies continue to exist. […]
February 25, 2015 Guanajuato, Mexico To the group “Uncivilized Conduct”. To the group “Wild/Terrorist Behaviors”. To all the “Savage Reaction” groups of action, written dissemination and study. To all those who feel identified with the tendency opposed to the techno-industrial system and in favor of wild nature. Artificiality and its […]
On February 14 there will be an event in the museo de la tolerancia[*] that aims to raise money for political prisoners and anarchists. Being in prison we have little information about the event. We don’t know who is organizing it, but we know our names appear on the list […]
We’re doing a solidarity benefit show for anarchist prisoners Amélie, Fallon and Carlos on December 4th, 2014 in Victoria (Occupied Lekwungen Territories). Come out and help support them! Storm of Sedition – Anti-Civ Anarchist Crust Azotobacter – Local Punk Not a Cost – Anarchist Crust There will also be cheap […]
On November 6th, 2014, in the proceeding under common law, Amélie Trudeau Pelletier, Fallon Poisson Rouiller and Carlos López Marín were sentenced to 2 years, 7 months and 15 days in prison, and ordered to pay damages of 108 thousand pesos, on charges of attacks to public peace and aggravated […]