The night of September 15th saw the first motorcycle patrol through Athens centre with flypostering and protest chants against neo-Nazi attacks. On September 22nd another antifa motorcycle demo was realized successfully. In the evening of Sunday, September 30th, a third antifascist intervention–motorcycle patrol passed through downtown locations, but was soon […]
After the appeal hearing of June 11th, 2012, Andrzej’s prison term was reduced to 8.5 years. Since he had completed already 2/5 of his sentence, he was entitled to release. Nevertheless, in early July 2012 – thanks to comrades from the Redakcja Portalu Baader-Meinhof (, Poland) and the Fund of […]
22.15 A gathering was called for tomorrow, September 27th, at 11.30 in Evelpidon courts in Athens, in factual solidarity with approximately 25 arrestees who face charges and remain in custody. Among them 12 were caught at Gardenias square in Zografou in the morning, when the strike rally was banned and […]
Nine of the arrestees in Delta squat’s eviction were set free on bail after the trial, where they made a collective political statement. All defendants were found guilty for diverse misdemeanor charges, received suspended prison sentences (from 3 months to 16 months) and got 3 years probation. The total monetary […]
Although this call concerns a party at a local level, this sort of initiative can give an example of self-organization, especially in what concerns free radio stations and necessary infrastructure: After years of self-improvement, ‘Radiozones of Subversive Expression’ (broadcasting on both 93.8fm and 98.0fm) aspire to advance our technical level […]
It seems that the investigating prosecutors still have not finished prosecuting the imprisoned members of the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, because interrogators are now preparing more case files in their offices. Already in August 2012, an investigator from Trikala police department paid a visit to Trikala prisons in […]
Story of a clear defiance played out before our eyes. Esperanza, why are you hiding? (How direct action and struggle is the only way forward.) September 3rd. Inaugural ceremony of the academic year at the School of Medicine of the Madrid Autonomous University (UAM). The ceremony is annually attended by […]
The State has unleashed a frontal attack on society with all the weapons at its disposal, imposing itself on society by the growing impoverishment and the systematic attempt of embedding the Rule’s new fabricated arguments. At the same time, there is an ongoing battle to repress and silence the voices […]
We are sorry that the publication of the Ordinance has been a cause for so many polemics. In fact, we did so* on the recommendation of the companion of one woman among the prisoners. We apologize and hope the incident is resolved. We regret that the only information must be […]
On Tuesday, August 7th, we painted slogans and stencils as part of the ten days of action against repression. We chose to highlight, as much as possible, two different cases and show our solidarity by means available to us. We made the first series of stencils and slogans in solidarity […]
In the night of the 7th of August, we hung a solidarity banner for the unrepentant red-skin/rash prisoner Thomas Meyer-Falk at the interchange of Iera Odos with Thivon Avenue in Egaleo, where it has much traffic. The banner read ‘Freedom for Thomas Meyer-Falk… and all political outlaws’. Unfortunately it stayed […]