[2013 Aachen bank robbery case] In December 2016, an anarchist from Amsterdam was acquitted of a bank expropriation that took place in Aachen in 2013. [2014 Aachen bank robbery case] Since early 2017, two comrades from Barcelona stood trial for a Pax-Bank expropriation that took place in Aachen in 2014: […]
From my heart, thanks to everyone for the support that was given to me, as all the warmness and love that i felt. This was essential to strenghten my resilience against all the oppression I was summited We’re not All, the prisoners are missing! Freedom to All prisoneers! All the […]
The court of Aachen has set the dates for the start of the trial against the two comrades from Barcelona accused of expropriating a branch of Pax-Bank in Aachen in November of 2014. The court case will start on the 23rd of January 2017 and a total of 25 sessions […]
In the early hours of September 9th, some anarchists of Barcelona went to McDonald’s on Travessera de Gràcia Street to show our solidarity with the imprisoned comrades on strike in the United States. A small action with which we intend to manifest that solidarity between the oppressed knows no borders […]
In the early hours of June 22nd 2016, we decided to break the routine of the city of Barcelona and show our solidarity with the comrade arrested on April 13th, who will soon be extradited to Germany,* by shattering the windows of the offices of FEDA (German business school) with […]
On May 21st 2016, we attacked a branch of Deutsche Bank located at Gran de Sant Andreu Street. All windows and the ATM screen were smashed, and slogans were spray-painted demanding the release of the compañera who was arrested on April 13th, accused of robbing a Vatican bank in the […]
Received April 22nd: Spanish Consulate in Munich hit by several bottles full of paint against the ongoing repression of the Spanish state – international solidarity and attack! Solidarity with Mónica, Francisco and the recently arrested comrade in Barcelona!
In July 2015 our friend and comrade got arrested at a passport control at the Greek-Bulgarian border. The Europe-wide arrest warrant against her had been issued by the prosecution office of Aachen, Germany, on the 24th of June 2015. In Germany she got locked up under the ‘U-haft‘ (Untersuchungshaft) regime […]
During the night of December 28th 2015 – the same day that several people were arrested and taken to the police station to testify concerning pickets that took place against El Corte Inglés – we attacked the offices of this company’s travel agency, located at the premises of Hipercor, near […]
Video: Communique: Over recent years in Spain, specifically in Catalonia, rabbit farming has been severely affected by the crisis, and many farms have closed over the past 5 years. Several times, as we were watching possible targets, we approached to see the security inside and found out they were abandoned. […]
[March 10th] A few days before the week of solidarity with hunger striker José Antúnez Becerra, we burnt an ATM in the city of Barcelona. Antúnez Becerra has spent more than 40 years deprived of freedom in the jails of the state, without ceasing to revolt from within prison walls. […]
Some participants in the network of Contra Info decided to coordinate our strengths to make visible the cases of two anarchist comrades, who were recently retaliated by the executioners of the Chilean state: Diego Ríos, who was arrested on February 7th, after five and a half years on the run, […]