Spanish State: Rabbits liberated in Barcelona



Over recent years in Spain, specifically in Catalonia, rabbit farming has been severely affected by the crisis, and many farms have closed over the past 5 years.

Several times, as we were watching possible targets, we approached to see the security inside and found out they were abandoned.

Similarly we can also confirm that Animal Liberation actions have decreased in the Spanish State since the crisis began. This is probably due to the lack of resources of those of us who take part in this struggle and because of the migration towards other struggles by many people as well.

But on September 20th 2015 we got out of our temporary lethargy; that night we went to a rabbit farm situated in the province of Barcelona and released 20 animals that were inside.

There were 20 in this action but we hope there are more actions to come, by which we could liberate many more and damage this murderous industry. We believe this is a perfect moment to strike blows and cause an industry which barely survives, for several years now, to fall once and for all.

We are aware that this depends on our organizational capacity and our determination but, as has happened in other places where effective campaigns have been carried out, we can close down the few remaining farms.

We dedicate this action to the anarchists who have been repressed by the operations “Pandora”, “Piñata”, as well the prisoners accused of belonging to “Commando Mateo Morral”.

We also send a warm hug to Evi Statiri, who at the time of writing these lines has ended her hunger strike, because the Greek authorities have accepted her release from prison.


ALF – The Boar family, the Zorrilla and the Owl

in Spanish | Portuguese, Greek