On Wednesday April 1st, at 13:00, a group of protesters approached the Greek embassy, located in Santiasko’s bourgeoisified district of Las Condes, to disrupt the social peace in response to the call of International Solidarity with the compañerxs incarcerated by the Greek state who are on Hunger Strike until death […]
In our present historical context, the global and local Power is taking shape with numerous gears destined for social control and the reproduction of the relationships of domination and submission. From the huge industrial-complex to the technology inserted daily into a persons’ life, the collection of data via social media […]
Some participants in the network of Contra Info decided to coordinate our strengths to make visible the cases of two anarchist comrades, who were recently retaliated by the executioners of the Chilean state: Diego Ríos, who was arrested on February 7th, after five and a half years on the run, […]
On Monday, February 9th, two days after his arrest in La Ligua village, comrade Diego Ríos appeared before the court in Santiago, where the judiciary authorities pressed charges against him. The prosecutor unsuccessfully tried to reopen the notorious Caso Bombas (“Bombs Case”, in which the defendants were acquitted of all […]
Propaganda in solidarity with Diego Ríos Saturday, February 7th, 2015, in Santiago Anarchist comrade Diego Ríos entered clandestinity since 2009, going on the run after his mother found materials for the manufacture of explosive devices in an apartment of her own property and notified the cops. During that year, the […]
On February 4th, 2015, the court in Santiago issued the judgment against the compañera Tamara Sol Farías Vergara, who has been held for a little over a year in pretrial detention, accused of shooting a security guard in a branch of BancoEstado in the commune of Estación Central in the […]
On Wednesday noon, November 26th, amid barricades and Molotov cocktails that gave life to a new day of anarchic violence and confrontation with the guardians of order on the junction known as “Cordón Macul”, one of the groups that participated in the action which has already been diffused expressed our […]
Call for a Black December! Chile: On November 28th, comrades in Santiago decided to attack a public transport line with the purpose of calling for a Black December in memory of Sebastián Oversluij, anarchist killed in December 2013 during a failed bank expropriation. This action was also intended to express […]
Original communiqué received on September 18th, 2014 “Life is so boring there is nothing to do except spend all our wages on the latest skirt or shirt. Brothers and Sisters, what are your real desires? Sit in the drugstore, look distant, empty, bored, drinking some tasteless coffee? Or perhaps blow […]
SOLIDARITY KNOWS NO BORDERS… FREEDOM FOR NIKOS MAZIOTIS! Thursday, July 17th, 2014, Santiago Anarchist Nikos Maziotis had gone into hiding two years ago, when he did not present himself in court during the trial in which he was later convicted for armed struggle actions as member of the anarchist urban […]
Banner and fliers at the Embassy of Greece Thursday, July 10th, 2014, Santiago The Bad Times will be lit ablaze… On July 10th, 2014 we put up a banner outside the Greek embassy, accompanied by a shower of fliers thrown in the streets (of the Republic) that are always clean […]
Responsibility claim for savage attack on Transantiago buses: On Tuesday, June 3rd, we organized ourselves in complicity with the night to install 3 incendiary devices in 3 different buses of 3 distinct routes of the Transantiago citizen service; our goal was to burn down these transporting machines of postmodern slaves. […]