Events at Eileen House, 80-94 Newington Causeway, Elephant & Castle, SE1 6EF. Or, if we are evicted, then Library St Community Centre, 44-50 Lancaster Street. Wednesday, March 6th, 8pm: ‘Greek Solidarity Night’ Talk & discussion on insurrectionary activity in Greece such as Conspiracy Cells of Fire and Revolutionary Struggle, related […]
patission 61 & skaramaga squat
In the context of Black February, the ‘antifascist youth’ of the Croix-Rousse made and hung a banner on the central avenue of this historic neighbourhood, namely on a building well known for its mural that always attracts the eye of passers-by… This act was in support to those who fight […]
On Wednesday, February 13th, a mural was painted as part of the Black February call in solidarity with autonomous spaces of the anarchist, anti-authoritarian, libertarian spectrum, their squatters and affinities, in view of liberating one space inside a local university from the capitalistic parasites that are now in charge of […]
A two-day event in solidarity with all squats, self-organized projects and self-managed structures of counter-information (targeted by repression ever since the first police raid on Villa Amalias squat on the 20th of December 2012) was called for the 15th and the 16th of February 2013 in the Athens Polytechnic School, […]
On Monday, January 28th, 2013 around 50 people went to the Hellenic Foundation (Jourdain Boulevard, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris) to give a talk at the beginning of an evening dedicated to ‘the destiny of modern Greece.’ They unfurled a banner before the public which read: ‘In Greece like […]
We forward a communiqué related to a spontaneous demonstration in the streets of Kreuzberg, Berlin, and send comradely regards: On the January 17th a spontaneous demonstration in solidarity with the squats in Athens took place in the streets of Berlin-Kreuzberg. At 8 pm around 50 people gathered to show their […]
On January 25th, 2013 in Witzenhausen, Germany, we organized a concert featuring the band Guts Pie Earshot in solidarity with squats under attack across Greece. We placed a banner in our self-managed student club which read: You can’t evict an idea. Hands off all squats. Solidarity to Villa Amalias, Skaramaga […]
On January 19th, 2013 at the Square of the Victims of Fascism in Zagreb an international protest was held on the occasion of expressing solidarity with antifascists in Greece who organized protests on the same day against Golden Dawn, the parliamentary party with the extremist xenophobic rhetoric and violent political […]
Helsinki, 12.1.2013: Action at the Embassy of Greece in Finland, in solidarity with antifascists and squatters in Greece Tampere, 19.1.2013: ‘Say no to fascism and racism!’ demonstration —video with English subtitles
Over 150 people protested against the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn outside the Greek Embassy last Saturday (19.1.2013). The demonstration drew a large contingent of comrades who held a banner declaring solidarity with the squats Villa Amalias, Skaramaga and Lelas Karagianni 37 in Athens. Only around 20 fascists turned up in the […]
In the early morning hours of Sunday, January 13th, we attacked the jeep van of the state Department for Political Affairs, which is a branch of the Intelligence Service of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Let’s not kid ourselves: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here, in Thrace, has shown […]