Here follows a critique of the No Border Camp in Cologne and Düsseldorf —the event isn’t finished until later today, and its official end is July 22th. Expectations were high for the latest No Borders camp, held on July 13–22 in Cologne, to put into action a lot of what […]
According to an initial report on linksunten.indymedia, on July 13th, 2012, the first senate of the Supreme Court of Cassation (the highest court in the Italian judicial system) partially confirmed the harsh verdict against the ten accused activists. Prosecuted for the street battles against the G8 summit in Genoa in […]
As our ‘disobedient’ comrades (desobedientes) report, the military government of Otto Pérez Molina imposed a state of siege in the city of Santa Cruz Barillas, northwestern department of Huehuetenango in Guatemala. The objective of this repressive measure was to crush the popular resistance against the advance of CAMBALAM project and […]
This trial is a political trial in which revolutionaries are judged, who chose armed struggle to fight for the overthrow of capitalism and the State, the overthrow of the criminal regime that you, as judges, defend. Your court is a special court set up under the orders of the American […]
During the Easter holidays, two attacks were carried out by members of “Blood & Honour” in Bialystok. The first victim was found unconscious around 22.30 on Sunday (8/4), and soon died in hospital. Then at approximately 4.30am on Monday Nazis entered the Fiction Pub. They shouted that they will “get […]
The clashes between police and people who wanted to celebrate Newroz started at Pazartekke tram station in İstanbul. After the intervention of repressive forces, the resisters set up barricades. The other attack of the cops occurred in Zeytinburnu. Police attacked with tear gas the audience (where also Kurdish parlamenters were […]
On March 16th a protest took place in Beyazit/İstanbul for the anniversary of massacres of Beyazit (16-3/1978) and Xalabja (16-3/1988). The demo was organized by 16 Mart Platformu (16 March Platform). Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF) was one of the participants in this platform. The protest was held in Laleli. Then […]
Since the last February14th, a vast strike movement is shaking the post-secondary studies sector (colleges and universities) in the province of Québec. This general strike movement, mostly lead by a left-wing coalition of student unions – the CLASSE (French acronym for Broad Coalition of the Association for Student Syndicalist Solidarity) […]
Today, March 5th, the district court of Magdeburg has announced its intention to close the criminal case against the cop Andreas Schubert, who was reportedly involved in the murder of the detainee Oury Jalloh in 2005. Oury, a 36-year-old refugee from Sierra Leone, was burned alive on January 7th, 2005, […]
As you may already be aware, after the earthquake on the early hours of February 27th, 2010, the walls of the extermination centre called Chillan prisons were torn down due the wild nature’s violent blow. In this context, and as a natural response to the fortunate prison’s collapse, 269 inmates […]
Demonstration of remembrance and struggle for the revolutionist Lambros Foundas Saturday, March 10th, 2012, at 12.00, Monastiraki Square, Athens Two years since the murder of the anarchist comrade Lambros Foundas, member of the organization Revolutionary Struggle, who fell fighting in an armed scuffle with policemen during a preparatory action of […]
Declaration of the members of Revolutionary Struggle on February 6th, 2012, regarding the armed scuffle of Dafni, in which Lambros Foundas was killed in battle with the police The repressive operation against the Revolutionary Struggle started with an armed scuffle in Dafni on March 10th, 2010, when our comrade Lambros […]