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Received on September 10th: We claim responsibility for the burning of a luxury SUV in an affluent area of Buenos Aires. The big luxurious and destroyer, polluting motor is now scrapped. With this gesture, we remember Angry, and we salute Sol Vergara, Tato, Javi and the recently abducted by the […]
Everything in the cities is designed to promote and perpetuate the constant flow of merchandize, be it human or not. Millions of pesos are invested in the remodeling of train stations or into the inauguration of new ones, in the construction and maintenance of motorways, in technological mechanisms of control […]
February 25, 2015 Guanajuato, Mexico To the group “Uncivilized Conduct”. To the group “Wild/Terrorist Behaviors”. To all the “Savage Reaction” groups of action, written dissemination and study. To all those who feel identified with the tendency opposed to the techno-industrial system and in favor of wild nature. Artificiality and its […]
This morning (February 2nd) a banner was hung on the pedestrian bridge located on Figueroa Alcorta Avenue, just metres from the Chilean embassy, in solidarity with the compañera Sol Vergara, awaiting sentencing in the prisons of the said region. A small gesture that seeks to boost solidarity and transmit force […]
On Monday, December 29th, 2014, at around 6pm, more than 30 people went to demonstrate in front of the Spanish embassy in Buenos Aires against the incarceration of the 7 anarchists detained in the course of Operation Pandora in Spain.
In the early hours of April 11th, 2014, we attacked the consulate of Argentina in Montevideo with Molotov cocktails. We claim responsibility for this action in response to the eviction of the Biblioteca “Los libros de la esquina” (“Books around the corner” Library), which occurred in the morning of April […]
In the context of the agitation and solidarity week for our comrades kidnapped by Power and accused in the so-called “Security Case” in Chile, we realized this action on the 24th of March, a day before the start of this absurd judicial circus. Like many others who stand in solidarity, […]
In the context of agitation and solidarity days with the comrades Marcelo Villarroel, Freddy Fuentevilla and Juan Aliste Vega, imprisoned in Chile after being extradited by the Argentinean State, all three accused of bank robbery and the death of a cop, we made a bomb threat on the 4648 flight […]
We are aware of the reality in which we are living; the accelerated death and misery of modern life affect us also as individuals who breathe the shitty air of this city. With regard to the thousands of street demos that take place in this region, we always try to […]
CuCoCo social centre (cultural, cooperative and communitarian space, also known as Huerta de Saavedra), in the Saavedra neighbourhood of Buenos Aires, was intentionally torched on the 8th of February 2014 at around 5.30am. CuCoCo is a social and cultural centre occupied since 2002 by neighbours, after the 2001 Argentine crisis […]
Armed workers, ready to kill, guardians of law and order, servants of the powerful, paid assassins. It is the Argentine Federal Police. Psychological war makes part of the social war in which we confront all forms of authority, but it is not the one we choose or promote, since our […]