Argentina: Train lines sabotaged in Buenos Aires

Everything in the cities is designed to promote and perpetuate the constant flow of merchandize, be it human or not. Millions of pesos are invested in the remodeling of train stations or into the inauguration of new ones, in the construction and maintenance of motorways, in technological mechanisms of control and repression, in resources for the armed lackeys who are at the service of Power.

Having that in our mind, today we wanted to sabotage, if even only for an instant, the normal functioning of the cogs that maintain the structure of the domination, attacking the intersection that connects the Floresta and Villa Luro lines with an incendiary/explosive device.

We will not enter into the debate on whether these actions are only jeopardising workers. Today it is important to break with the asphyxiating normalcy that is being approved by the vast majority of the police society.

In direct solidarity and complicity with our brothers and sister of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, who are on a hunger strike in Greek prisons since March 2nd, demanding the immediate release of their close ones!

It is urgent to act, given the serious health condition of our comrades; a proof more than enough about it is the fact that 6 of them have been transferred to the hospital [actually 8 CCF members are being hospitalised].

Solidarity with Angeliki and the rest of the hunger strikers!

Strength to comrades in Chile ahead of a new anniversary of the Day of the Combatant Youth. Let’s extend the riots everywhere!

Let’s avenge our dead and those imprisoned and tortured because of their struggle against the rotten Argentinean state…

Circle of Fire

in Greek