Sometime during the third week of June, machines where once again sabotaged on Fennovoima’s construction site in Hanhikivi, northern Ostrobothnia. A digger and a bulldozer were caused some expensive damage, by destroying machinery cables. The individual(s) who made the action represent no network, group or organisation. Solidarity with people resisting […]
The night of June 14th, East street, an Eiffage utility vehicle went up in smoke. Because they are building prisons. Solidarity with comrades in Brussels who struggle against prison. Build cages, harvest our rage! Source: Nantes Indymedia
Claim of responsibility for the explosive attack on a Bci bank branch in the district of La Cisterna and the incendiary attack on a BancoEstado branch in downtown Santiago: While an apparent calm prevails in the Chilean territories and a festive ambience fills the streets as a result of the […]
Communique on the incendiary attack carried out against SEDESOL for a Black June To peoples, barrios, and communities To everyone who is organizing and struggling To our comrades To the free media To all Mexicans You propose scorched earth whether it be cultivated soil or ground laid to waste I […]
June 12th, after midnight. Using a simple weapon we decided to attack against the Banamex bank branch located at the junction of Sullivan Avenue and the inner-city motorway Circuito Interior, in the heart of the city. We stood right in front of their vigilance system: patrol cars that move around […]
On the night to Monday 8 of June a machine (digger) was sabotaged on the construction site of Fennovoima’s planned nuclear power plant. Cables and wires etc were cut and the windows were smashed. The individuals who made the action on the 8 of june represent themselves and not an […]
Communique published May 25th 2015: During May 2015, mayhem broke out in the streets of Besançon. Flames lit up the nights of several neighbourhoods, which targeted and destroyed company vehicles, schools, various “social” state institutions… The police occupation in neighbourhoods for several months, with all that it entails, sparks a […]
Gweithredu Uniongyrchol yn erbyn carchar enfawr Wrecsam Dydd Sul 17fed Mai 2015: Neithiwr bu gweithred ar safle ail garchar fwyaf Ewrop sydd yn cael ei hadeiladu ar stad diwydiannol yn Wrecsam, Gogledd Cymru. Fe fydd y carchar enfawr hwn, os caiff ei hadeiladu, yn caethiwo mwy na 2100 o fodau dynol […]
Note of Contra Info: We publish this communiqué as we received, hoping that the insects did not suffer retaliation. On the morning of April 24th, 2015, we released hundreds of crickets in the Macdonald Engineering Building of McGill University, with the goal that they would spread and disrupt operations in […]
On Thursday, May 14th, large demonstrations of students took place in the centre of various Chilean cities. In Santiago, the clashes with the cops were extended for several hours in the streets and universities. We are not interested in these legalist and reformist demands, but we are interested in contributing […]
The international fur fair was held in Kastoria (northern Greece) from 6th to 9th May 2015. On Monday 11th and Sunday 17th May, we symbolically painted the windows of 4 fur shops in various areas of Thessaloniki, and glued the lock of one of the stores. In this way, we […]
Sunday 17th May 2015: Last night an action took place at the site of Europe’s second largest prison in construction on Wrexham Industrial Estate in North Wales. The mega-prison, if built, will cage more than 2100 human beings at any one time. Multiple large diggers and construction equipment had their […]