“From the 18th to the 25th of January 2013 I take the initiative—always weak but still an initiative—to conduct a hunger strike so as to break once again the lengthy silences imposed by repression and inaction, to raise yet another voice, a weak voice but at least one of solidarity, […]
state prosecution
“Rather it is the rage of our desires unchained, the return of the repressed in full force and undisguised. But more essentially, total revolt is fueled by a spirit of free play and of joy in adventure — by a desire to explore every possibility for intense life which society […]
December 5th was the last day of trial against the four remanded anarchists Babis Tsilianidis, Sokratis Tzifkas, Dimitris Dimtsiadis and Dimitris Fessas for the case of arrests in the Athens districts of Tavros and Vyronas in January 2011. The charges of participation in an anonymous terrorist organization and disposal of […]
Main text for the demonstration in solidarity with squats, which was held on 1.12.2012 on the streets of downtown Athens, starting from Victoria square: KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM THE SQUATS SOLIDARITY TO SQUATS AND SELF-ORGANIZED SOCIAL CENTRES In a legality that is plundering our lives, we remain clusters of […]
“… there are times when people realize that their mistake to be subjugated is not due to the stars but due to their kowtowing consciences; it is then when they take charge of their own fate, and history is written from the other shore, which is hated and much feared […]
Solidarity with anarchist Babis Tsilianidis The trial against anarchist Babis Tsilianidis is scheduled for October 15th, 2012, in Thessaloniki courts. The comrade is accused of an armed robbery which took place at the accounting department of the AHEPA hospital (in July 2010). The evidence that resulted in his third consecutive […]
We are sorry that the publication of the Ordinance has been a cause for so many polemics. In fact, we did so* on the recommendation of the companion of one woman among the prisoners. We apologize and hope the incident is resolved. We regret that the only information must be […]
Since late July, Delta squat is being actively repressed by DEI (Public Power Corporation, PPC) that attempts to cut off the space’s electricity supply. The electric power company got the green light from the Alexandreio Technological Education Institute (ATEI) of Thessaloniki, which is the legal owner of the building (squatted […]
Those who sow terror must receive our hatred. Alibis no longer sell… There are no deluded voters of the Golden Dawn. Those who supported this party have done so consciously. They are nothing less than fascists. Those who invest in the victim role, in order to gather ten more lousy […]
We demand freedom for the May 1st prisoners | July 21st, 2012 On Tuesday, July 10th, 2012 the police raided the homes of comrades. The majority of them are between 18 and 20 years old. It is obvious that repression is aiming at young people to show them that their […]
Comrade Babis Tsilianidis, imprisoned now in the 1st wing of Koridallos prisons, stated that he will not attend this court, in the same way he did not attend previous court proceedings, thus ‘refusing to apologize to my judges, to prosecutors of the multiform liberation struggle,’ as he explains in his […]
[ Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 ] In the past three years, several anarchists are held in Greek prisons and even more are under a judicial hostage, as a consequence of the escalating anarchist revolutionary violence that stepped up during this period. Faced with an unusually large number of cases, which […]