On Monday night, February 27th, various actions were carried out in the city of Valencia: – Burning of 2 ATMs located in the university campus – Discarding an ATM by using a cement block – Burning of a tram stop We undertook these actions because of the situation we are […]
Murderers in uniform beat and detain young people for standing up for their rights, as ongoing protests of numerous students and supporters face an epidemic of police brutality. On Wednesday, February 15th, 2012, large police force attacked a protest of school students outside the IES Lluís Vives (Institute of Secondary […]
In Barcelona on February 3rd, at 22.40, several CCTV cameras were smashed throughout the metropolitan area as a solidarity gesture to the call in Athens for the next day against the ‘state of emergency’ imposed in Greece. On February 6th, at 20.30, a group of 10 comrades burned five street […]
Communiqué by #yonopago This release comes from the hands of 50 assaulted, threatened and enraged people. After the call of February 1st, we decided to transmit the brutal, fierce and disproportionate repression that we lived in this I don’t pay action. We can only show 6 out of the 9 […]
Pamphlets found in the streets of Barcelona against the Catalan police, a repression force responsible for the murder of many people: ASSASSINS 1/1-2012: A young man arrested in Manresa by the Catalan police, dies in hospital after being beaten while he was handcuffed. 7/1-2012: Death of a young man imprisoned […]
[imagebrowser id=4] We have realized how it is possible to turn a dry, cold and empty space into a hive of warmth and struggle. Olive trees, many olive trees and prison cells, many prison cells. Cold, dryness, and in the middle of this place people giving warmth to other people. […]
Barcelona, October 17th, 2011 During this year, there have been several selective incendiary attacks so far on luxury cars in Sant Roc, slum of Badalona (Barcelona), some hidden by the Press, others not. To be specific, in the morning of February 7th to 8th we burned two vehicles, on July […]
Barcelona, October 5th, 2011 19.30 GMT+1, bomb alert in the Greek consulate in solidarity with Epanastatikos Agonas (Revolutionary Struggle). We demand the unconditional release of N.Maziotis, P.Roupa, K.Gournas, Ch.Kortesis, V.Stathopoulos, S.Nikitopoulos and M.Beraha. We are going to win. Subversive struggle updates also here: barcelona.indymedia.org
In the framework of the cooperation between Athens free radio station 98 FM and the translation counter-information network Contra Info, another live broadcast under the title ‘Beyond borders’ [Ektos synoron] was held on June 13th —from 20h30 to 23h00 (GMT+2). Comrades from Spain participated in this Monday’s radio show with: […]
On May 25th, from afternoon until dawn, nearly 40,000 of all types of neo-Greeks filled Syntagma Square to validate in the worst way the Troika memorandum, the austerity measures and the exclusive privilege of the use of force by the State. Yesterday’s necrophilic, petit-bourgeois gathering took place just two weeks […]
Activists in solidarity to the Zapatista movement and Mexican insurgents disrupt an event which was part of the Mexican embassy's celebration of the 100 years since the Mexican revolution and liberation of the state of Mexico from Spain on the same date of the EZLN establishment. Leaflets were handed out, a document was read, slogans were shouted and two banners were opened in the auditorium denouncing the war against the Zapatista movement and the insurgents of Mexico.
Following the successful general strike of 29th September in Spain, the Head of Security of the Municipality of Barcelona asked the Prosecutor to look into the “websites that incite acts of violence”, naming specific counter-information networks. As usual, the mass media propaganda followed, using the well-known by now phrasing “low […]