Received on 6/19/18: Here is the 4th anarchist wallpaper published in June 2018. This time the wallpaper covers the subjects of gentrification and the possibility of attack. Download the wallpaper in PDF here and visit the blog of Autonomen Den Haag to read more. in German
Here is the third edition of the Anarchist Wallpaper! This time on surveillance, the dragnet law and the necessity of sabotage. Download the wallpaper, print and circulate it! Download the wallpaper: here Sabotage the surveillance state! Let’s all be perpetrators. On surveillance, the dragnet law and the necessity of sabotage. […]
Received 10-01-2017 Yesterday (30-9-2017) a manifestation took place in Amsterdam in solidarity with comrades who are momentarily in prison after the G20 protests in Hamburg (Germany) this July. After the manifestation a spontaneous demonstration started through the inner city of Amsterdam. 100 people took part in the manifestation in solidarity […]
Poster & flyer in Greek, spread in Athens & Patras. SOLIDARITY with the anarchists accused of bank robberies in Germany In July 2015 a Dutch comrade was arrested at the Greek-Bulgarian border. There was an international warrant against her coming from Germany, where she is suspected to have participated in […]
received August 14th 2016 On August 3, several anarchists in The Hague, the Netherlands, and one from outside the city received a letter from Mayor Van Aartsen with the intention of imposing a two month area ban for the Schilderswijk, a working class and immigrant neighborhood in the center of […]
[vimeo][/vimeo] On August 3rd 2016, several anarchists in the Netherlands received police visits. In The Hague, the police delivered letters containing the intentions of the mayor Jozias van Aartsen to prohibit anarchists from setting foot in the Schilderswijk neighbourhood for the coming two months. On August 8th 2016, we threw […]
In Thessaloniki, Greece, posters and flyers were spread with a callout for solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused in bank robbery cases in Germany. Stencils were spray-painted around the city, and a banner was hung at Kamara reading: ‘Solidarity with the anarchist comrades in jail accused of bank robbery in […]
Solidarity with anarchists arrested during investigation into several bank robberies in Aachen, Germany Over the past weeks, various persons have been arrested in Spain and the Netherlands under orders of the German criminal police. A person has been extradited to Germany, another is held in the Netherlands. The investigation is […]
Received July 9th 2016: Last night we demolished 8 ATM machines in The Hague, the Netherlands in solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused of expropriation in Aachen, Germany.* On July 6th, a comrade was arrested in Amsterdam and is now in jail awaiting extradition to Germany. The week before, on […]
This morning, 6 July, our anarchist comrade was arrested in Amsterdam by an arrestatieteam. This is in connection to an accusation by the Aachen (DE) prosecution in regards to a bank robbery in 2013. The call for solidarity stands. We are fucking angry. Vandaag, in de ochtend van 6 Juli, is onze anarchistische kameraadin in amsterdam opgepakt door […]
Last Thursday night, June 30th 2016, we carried out actions in solidarity with our comrade who is imprisoned in total isolation in Spain on charges of participation in a bank expropriation in Aachen, Germany two years ago. She is now awaiting extradition to Germany, which will probably happen this week. […]
Update, April 30th: The person who was arrested on suspicion of pasting the Anarchist Wallpaper has been released. Last Sunday night (April 24th) one person was arrested in The Hague (Netherlands) on suspicion of pasting The Anarchist Wallpaper. He is being charged with instigation against authority, inciting violence and pasting […]