On November 21st it was confirmed that Nicola Gai was transferred into the first high security wing (AS1) of San Michele prison in Alessandria, after two months of isolation regime in the prison of Sanremo. The ban of meeting between Nicola and Alfredo has finally been revoked, and only their […]
“… there are times when people realize that their mistake to be subjugated is not due to the stars but due to their kowtowing consciences; it is then when they take charge of their own fate, and history is written from the other shore, which is hated and much feared […]
Video from a former solidarity rally for comrade Tortuga On June 1st, 2011, insurrectionalist comrade Luciano (Tortuga) Pitronello suffered severe injuries when a homemade bomb exploded in his hands during a direct action. He was hospitalized and then incarcerated in Santiago prisons, until he stood trial. On August 15th, 2012, […]
In the morning of November 12th, Alfredo Cospito was transferred from Sanremo hellhole to the prison of Alessandria, while Nicola Gai was still held in solitary confinement in Sanremo. On November 14th, Nicola Gai got transferred to another prison, too (unknown so far). Both comrades are accused of shooting CEO […]
Click on photo to read the statement of anarchist Jean Weir in defense of the three Revolutionary Struggle members to the terror-court in Koridallos prisons. You may also read ‘Armed Struggle and the Revolutionary Movement,’ a brief presentation by Jean Weir of Elephant Editions during an international conference called by […]
October 19th, 2012 Over a month after their arrest, comrades Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito remain in solitary confinement, currently in the prison of Sanremo; namely they undergo personal body search and cell search every morning, they are not allowed to contact each other or communicate with other prisoners, they […]
October 8th, 2012: Konstantinos Papadopoulos and comrades Stella Antoniou, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Alexandros Mitroussias and Kostas Sakkas attended the first hearing of the new CCF case trial. At the start of the process, the nine members of the R.O. CCF and anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos left the courtroom and were taken back […]
This Was Our Job. But it’s not anymore. Three years to the day of the first post to This Is Our Job, I’ve decided to end this particular anarchist project in order to devote myself to other anarchist projects. Primarily, I want more time to spend on the translation and […]
September with whomever you want? On Friday, September 14th, Nicola and Alfredo were arrested –anarchists known for years in Turin and Italy– on charges that are not exactly the lightest: attack with intent of terrorism for the wounding of the CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare, action claimed in May 2012 by […]
Nicola and Alfredo were transferred to Sanremo prison in Imperia. New address: Nicola Gai Alfredo Cospito Casa Circondariale, via Armea 144 IT-18038 Sanremo, Imperia
September 18th Alfredo and Nicola remain in the same prison (‘Le Vallette’ of Turin). It is not yet known if and when they will be transferred to another prison. In the meantime, they have prohibition of meetings with each other or family members and with other anarchists. The court hearing […]