Once again thousands marched down central streets of Athens, mainly protesting against the hard prosperity measures. The general strike of October 5th was called by the two sold-out unions (the GSEE private sector and ADEDY public sector confederations), but students also participated in the demo. As in previous general strikes, […]
In Athens alone, the squats live under constant threat of fascists and police. Organized neo-Nazi gangs attack repeatedly occupied projects with arsons, backed by the police. The Greek police tend to launch vengeful attacks on squats whenever riots break out. Very little money is available for the building maintenance of […]
Read about the occupation of the studio of state TV channel NET by students on Occupied London The following video was made by the students themselves. It includes their announcement on education issues, the new higher education reform bill, the general economic situation, layoffs and job precariousness. They also recorded […]
Your training is a prison The term ‘training’ in the preceding sentence could well refer to animals that are forced to learn acts to perform in a circus almost throughout their lives. And what the aforementioned animals experience does not differ much from what a person experiences in contemporary society. […]
Uprising in Chile and everywhere Freedom to comrade ‘Turtle’ Strength, Tortuga! Long live the revolt! Contrainfo.espiv.net, Exarchia Square, September 24th
In the afternoon of Friday, September 23rd, we wrote slogans on walls in the centre of the city of Thebes, in Viotia, in solidarity with insurgents in $hile and in particular comrade Luciano Pitronello, Tortuga (‘Turtle’). It is the minimum act of solidarity with all who struggle for freedom and […]
Since the bureaucrats of the Ministry for Health and Social Solidarity (!) worked so hard on a new bill in late August — while many people were on vacation — they managed to announce their well-considered decision to reduce by 50% the 2011 budgeted amount that was intended for mental […]
On Saturday, September 17th, at 20.00, 70 antifascists/anarchists gathered in Dimadi Square and held a dynamic rally to the town’s main square, chanting antifascist slogans and holding a banner that read: KICK THE NEO-NAZIS OUT OF AGRINIO AND EVERYWHERE. Then several protesters headed onto the second floor of the building […]
DELTA SQUAT WILL REMAIN IT’S NOT FOR RENT In late July the Alexandrio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki publicly announced its intention to offer the building in 13, Egnatia Street for hire, a building which has been occupied for four years. After years of neglect, this space became through collective […]
Since we were not born yesterday but we retain memory, since we spit on the propaganda of the corporate media… Either born here or not, we also live and walk in these streets, so we know very well that: ALSO THE GREEKS MURDER (massive numbers) in Afghanistan, Somalia and wherever […]
In late 80s and early 90s, the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) and other left parties and organizations in Turkey run big campaigns against tourists’ visiting in the particular State. Their concept was simple: tourists from wealthy European countries or North America cannot come and lay their money down in a […]
The Informal Anarchist Federation/Circle of Iconoclastic Action undertook these graffiti in solidarity with the imprisoned members of the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire — who are incarcerated in the Greek State’s dungeons — and in the memory of the anarchist revolutionist Mauricio Morales. Excerpt of the communiqué by Federación […]