From the struggle at Rigaer Strasse (Berlin) to the mobilizations against the G20 (Hamburg) This summer Berlin was the center of a showdown between the police and the remaining parts of what once was a squatting movement. The reason behind was the attempted eviction of the squatted parts of the […]
Contra Info
Below is a statement that longterm anarchist prisoner Sean Swain sent for the presentation by comrades from Bloomington ABC on November 23rd 2016 at Gini building of the Athens Polytechnic School in Exarchia, Athens. The comrade’s words were read out loud in English and Greek, and printouts of his text […]
Discussion about the struggle against prison society in the US with comrades from Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross (Indiana) Wednesday November 23rd at 20:00, Gini building Athens Polytechnic School (entrance from Stournari St.), Exarchia Themistokleous 58 Squat & Contra Info translation counter-information network
On August 4th 2016, an info event was held at Themistokleous 58 squat in Exarchia (Athens), with the participation of Contra Info translation counter-info network and ABC Solidarity Cell, where a comrade from Portland ABC discussed details about the US wide mobilization against prison slavery and white supremacy on the […]
AGAINST PRISON SLAVERY | CONTRA LA ESCLAVITUD CARCELARIA | ΕΝΑΝΤΙΑ ΣΤΗ ΣΚΛΑΒΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΦΥΛΑΚΗΣ On September 9th 1971, prisoners took over and shut down Attica, New York State’s most notorious hellhole. On September 9th 2016, prisoners in struggle will launch work stoppages and other actions to shut down prisons all […]
London: Resistance against Immigration Raids & Perspectives of Rebellion DISCUSSION | Thursday July 7th at 20:00, Gini building Athens Polytechnic School (entrance from Stournari St.), Exarchia Themistokleous 58 squat & anarchist counter-info sites Rabble LDN and Contra info
We now have a pgp key to use for encrypted communication, for those of you who may wish to use it or require it. Click here to download it in .asc text format (armored). Obviously, we still receive unencrypted emails at contrainfo[at] You can also submit texts anonymously by using […]
The C.O.S.A squat in the city of Setúbal, which had its 15th anniversary this month, has received an eviction threat. (See statement by Some Rebellious Voices in Portuguese, Greek, Italian and Spanish.) During the night of October 20th 2015, and as a first response to this bad news, we hung […]
Between the 12th and 17th of September 2015, some participants in the network of Contra Info carried out a series of actions in solidarity with Evi Statiri, prisoner in struggle in Greece, who has undergone hunger strike since September 14th, demanding an end to the preventive detention that was imposed […]
Contra Info is an international multi-language counter-information and translation node, an infrastructure maintained by anarchists, anti-authoritarians and libertarians who are active in different parts of the globe.
Some participants in the network of Contra Info decided to coordinate our strengths to make visible the cases of two anarchist comrades, who were recently retaliated by the executioners of the Chilean state: Diego Ríos, who was arrested on February 7th, after five and a half years on the run, […]
Video for the upcoming event in solidarity with anarchist prisoners in Greece Sunday, November 16th, at 17:00 @anarchist squat Izar Beltz, Irala, Bilbao Radio spots in Castilian and Basque by comrades from Biblioteca Durruti of Altsasu (Nafarroa) Spread the word!