On Saturday the 21st of September there was an unannounced solidarity gathering for the antifascist fighting on the streets in Greece. About 20 people showed up. Such gatherings are illegal in Ghent but there was no police presence.
antifascist demo
On Wednesday the 18th September the 34-year Pavlos Fyssas was murdered by a member of the neo-Nazi party in Greece. This is by far not the only murder lately. Freedom-loving people, like Fyssas or the countless migrants who are fighting for a better life for themselves and for all, are […]
On Saturday, September 21, anarchists and antiauthoritarians called for an antifascist demonstration in the city of Kavala against the programmed inauguration of Golden Dawn local offices on that same evening. Even though the Nazi event was eventually cancelled—due to the wave of protests in various Greek cities in the aftermath […]
An antifascist intervention was carried out on September 21st in the zone of Kardamitsia, on the outskirts of Ioannina. This was an action organized by word of mouth, with the participation of around 60 antifascists. Lately, the area has become a neo-Nazi breeding territory. Mainly nationalist youths, who had a […]
A spontaneous antifascist demonstration took place late in the evening of Saturday, September 21st, in Karditsa (central Greece). After the end of a programmed film screening at Pafsilypo Park, an antifascist group of more than 50 persons started to march in the city centre. Antifascists passed outside the local offices […]
On the evening of Friday, May 17th in Patras, large-scale clashes took place between anarchists and wild youth, on one side, and law enforcement on the other. It kicked off when cops surrounded the Olgas square, in the centre of the city, in order to break up a group of […]
On April 26th, 2013 comrades held their third antifascist motorcycle demo in Kavala: In the town of Igoumenitsa, neo-Nazis threaten regularly with carrying of weapons, and put up flags of their party to spread their poison in the local community. On May 8th, one such flag of the Chrissi Avgi/Golden […]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKGP2G6dQ3k Brief chronicle of the counter-demonstration in the neighbourhood of Chueca on May 1st At 6pm on May 1st, various fascist organizations, every one cheesier than the last, called a demonstration that began in Tribunal, a central area in Madrid, very close to Chueca. On the same day, at 5pm, […]
Helsinki, 12.1.2013: Action at the Embassy of Greece in Finland, in solidarity with antifascists and squatters in Greece Tampere, 19.1.2013: ‘Say no to fascism and racism!’ demonstration —video with English subtitles
Over 150 people protested against the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn outside the Greek Embassy last Saturday (19.1.2013). The demonstration drew a large contingent of comrades who held a banner declaring solidarity with the squats Villa Amalias, Skaramaga and Lelas Karagianni 37 in Athens. Only around 20 fascists turned up in the […]
Anti-authoritarian Silvio Meier was stabbed to death by neo-Nazi scum on November 21st, 1992 at the Samariterstraße metro station in Berlin. The State tried to water down the murder, presenting it as if it were a common bar brawl among youths. Furthermore, the German police and the mainstream media spread […]
In the evening of October 6th, an antifascist demo took place in the city of Volos (central Greece). By 18.00pm, approximately 300 protesters gathered at the square of Aghios Nikolaos, including comrades from the anarchist/libertarian space but also many local leftists. Shortly before the beginning of the march, some comrades […]