On Saturday, December 8th, by 12pm anarchists and antispeciesists held a gathering at Syntagma square against the fur industry and the animal exploitation machinery. At 13.30pm they began a protest march downtown. A relatively small demonstrator bloc, with some 150 participants, chanted slogans walking on Mitropoleos street with momentum. They […]
animal liberation
On the night of October 27th, 2012 we paid a visit to the meat company in Troghi, Florence, and torched the factory and all trucks inside… No respite for torturers! Animal liberation at all costs! ALF Follow the DIARY OF ACTIONS by BITE BACK Magazine.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOhvXXp3blY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=976C7o2l5GM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jBWJ1lPPpo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=154GJg2QUAg for a free world with no money your days of wealth are over long live animal freedom
May 1st, Berlin 1999 Here follow just a few call-outs for May Day(s) 2012. Your own reports from the streets are more than welcome here, in the comments section, or at contrainfo@espiv.net. USA Occupy May 1st Chicago: Black bloc demo Oakland: Occupy demo New York: Anarchist bike bloc Seattle: Anti-capitalist […]
In the first eight months of 2010, 526 million of animals were murdered in Spanish slaughterhouses, 36 million of which were rabbits. Born in cages, these animals come out of their prison time, 70 days later, only when they are sent for slaughter. The rest of animals have their own […]
On Saturday, November 26th, 2011, an antispeciesist demonstration took place against the fur industry downtown. Nearly 100 people attended the protest march which started from Syntagma Square, continued to the area of Monastiraki (a tourist destination) to return later at Syntagma via the main shopping Ermou Street. The protest was organized […]
On Saturday, June 18th, at 11am we gather at Eleftheroton Square in the northern suburb of Halandri to continue our protests against the murderous fur trade; against all those who believe that they can continue undisturbed the untold pain and their despicable enrichment. FUR INDUSTRY: A well hidden death trade