From the struggle at Rigaer Strasse (Berlin) to the mobilizations against the G20 (Hamburg) This summer Berlin was the center of a showdown between the police and the remaining parts of what once was a squatting movement. The reason behind was the attempted eviction of the squatted parts of the […]
From Zaragoza we want to show our support to the comrades recently arrested in Hambach forest (Germany) for the struggle that is happening to save the forests, against an open-pit mine. More specifically, we send warm greetings to the two comrades from the Spanish State who are incarcerated in Cologne’s […]
Recently we published an emergency call-out concerning the situation of our fresh, small but active forest occupation standing against the nuclear monster Andra and its CIGEO plan. On 24th of November, our eviction threat got concrete. The environmental authority decided to free Andra from carrying out an environmental impact study, […]
In the afternoon of November 24th 2016, we dropped a banner in Exarchia Square against the Dakota Access Pipeline, currently under construction in the US. This oil pipeline runs a distance of nearly 1,172 miles, from North Dakota to Illinois, and its cost is estimated to be around 3.7 billion […]
In the night from the 23rd to the 24th of November the self-service shop of the Sparkasse bank in Magdeburg Buckau had its whole interior repainted in order to express our solidarity with the accused comrades and our rage against this repressive system. For more info and inspiration for your […]
On the 1st of August, the nuclear monster Andra was ruled by the court to cease the clear cuts and fencing off the forest without legal permits. Today, 24th of November, the environmental authority ruled that Andra is freed from having to carry out an environmental impact study concerning its […]
The banner reads: “Freedom for Kara Wild, anarchist incarcerated in France” On May 18th 2016 in Paris, in the context of combative protests against the new labor law, a patrol car of the French police was smashed and burned down. A week later, on May 26th, Kara Wild, an anarchist […]
Below is a statement that longterm anarchist prisoner Sean Swain sent for the presentation by comrades from Bloomington ABC on November 23rd 2016 at Gini building of the Athens Polytechnic School in Exarchia, Athens. The comrade’s words were read out loud in English and Greek, and printouts of his text […]
Constantly inspired by Sean’s words and his stance against prisoncrats, constantly feeling the warmth of his rebellion, on November 21st 2016 we pasted posters in the neighborhood of Exarchia (downtown Athens) that read: “And we attack, wherever we are, whatever our situation, until we get the world we deserve. We’re […]
We understand occupation (squatting) as a tool of fight whose main purpose is far from the idea of shaping recreational places. It is an strategy to fight, theoretically and practically, against property as a key pillar of capitalist democracy. Occupation (squatting) is beyond merely logistic. It brings partnership among comrades, […]
Discussion about the struggle against prison society in the US with comrades from Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross (Indiana) Wednesday November 23rd at 20:00, Gini building Athens Polytechnic School (entrance from Stournari St.), Exarchia Themistokleous 58 Squat & Contra Info translation counter-information network
In the last weeks, some efforts were made for expressing the solidarity and rage we feel with regard to the repression against those anarchists currently accused of bank expropriations in Germany. More than ten thousand flyers were scattered in the metropolitan area, slogans were painted on walls, and we visited […]