The days of this hot summer go on and on, and most people are still withdrawn, thinking about where they’ll go for a vacation. Meanwhile, Power and authority don’t rest, incarcerating Mapuche brothers and warriors in southern Chile, perfecting repressive laws, and meeting in ostentatious political-business summits like the CELAC 2013 [a summit of Latin American and Caribbean business and political interests in conjunction with the European Union]. And us? We go into the streets to give life to insurrection, with our lives under stress, conscious that there are and always have been individualities that will not adapt to this sick society, and make every second of their lives an attack against the oppressors.
And this is the challenge: to give life and continuity to the anti-authoritarian insurrectionary offensive, support and reinforce complicities, reactivate the attacks, and with our contribution ignite the fire of insurrectionary and liberatory action through revolutionary violence!
Conscious of the fact that discussion and dialogue between affinities should start with action, during the week that spanned the 28th of January to the 3rd of February we attacked a property belonging to the Chilean Gendarmerie, located on San Francisco street just before Avenida Matta, to one side of a juvenile prison (SENAME) and a few blocks from where our anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales was killed in action in 2009. We attacked with an incendiary device, which left some damage at the door of this torturers’ lair — since it didn’t come out in the Press, we’re sending photos. This property of the Gendarmerie is linked with the supposed social action of the jailers and their collaborators, promoted through institutions like the Evangelical Church of the Chilean Gendarmerie and the Prisons’ Confraternity of Chile, an institution that on the Internet defines itself as the creator of incarceration projects ‘in which the inmates live, without hunger strikes, without riots or escape attempts; instead they are living out their prisonization in peace and harmony while repaying their social debt with spiritual aid.’
We chose this target because we were particularly moved by rage and a thirst for vengeance for the beatings inflicted by jailers on our comrade Alberto Olivares (member of the January 22nd collective) a few weeks back. Between beatings he was transferred to a maximum security prison in Concepción, far from his close ones, and then returned to the hellhole known as the Ex Penitenciaría in Santiago, all of which was a punishment for his rebellious attitude, justified with an invented story that he was involved in a brawl that ended with one prisoner dead… Sometimes vengeance comes late, but we have and will continue to ensure that it will come, and we know that excuses such as these aren’t even necessary for attacks on those who shut the cell doors on our comrades, or those who sustain and benefit from prisons and the prison society.
This act is also a warning to the jailers, bringing a liberating breath of insurrection to the hole where they try to calm their undignified consciences before a god after all the tortures that they inflict against men and women prisoners every day. We don’t want them ever to feel safe in their lairs; we don’t want to see them at peace even while they are at prayer!
Disgusting jailers, we are also sending you this communiqué so that you become aware of the consequences if you abuse the following prisoners in Santiago, who are our comrades and who are not alone:
– Marcelo Villarroel (imprisoned in the High Security Prison for the ‘security case’)
– Freddy Fuentevilla (imprisoned in the High Security Prison for the ‘security case’)
– Juan Aliste (imprisoned in the High Security Prison for the ‘security case’)
– Alberto Olivares (imprisoned in the Ex Penitenciaría)
– José Sanchez (imprisoned in the High Security Prison)
For your information: In the 70s in Italy, autonomous armed groups kneecapped the jailers who mistreated their imprisoned revolutionary comrades, or simply murdered them. A few days ago, an Italian jailer received a mail-bomb. In Argentina, for quite a while now, the comrades from the group ‘Friends of the Earth’ have burned hundreds of automobiles as a form of struggle against civilization and its domination. And here, in Chile, more than a few agents of Power were kidnapped and executed by revolutionaries under dictatorship and democracy. If they could and can do it, we can as well, if we enhance and reinforce our means and capacities. The will to do it, is something we have in plenty. You don’t want to be the one who, for assaulting any of our imprisoned revolutionary comrades, ends up in a grave, in a wheelchair, losing your hands, or waking up to watch your car burn.
Greetings to all men and women comrades in prison, on the run or under house arrest around the world. We especially send greetings to Iván Silva and Carla Verdugo, whose exit from prison to house arrest lifts our hearts — and we will not stop agitating for your total release. Greetings as well to Freddy, Juan and Marcelo, José Sanchez and Alberto Olivares. We don’t forget the dignified Mapuche prisoners and the communities in conflict with the State and the Capital. Although we do not validate the demand for a Mapuche nation or recognize ‘authorities,’ no matter how ancestral they may be, we are in practical solidarity with the struggle for autonomy for the communities and for ourselves, and the recuperation of their ancestral lands through direct action. We also do not forget the 81 prisoners burned to death in San Miguel prison.
A revolutionary embrace to the underground comrades Diego Ríos, Hans Niemeyer and Felicity Ryder.
Strength to Henry Zegarrundo in Bolivia and Braulio Duran in Mexico, dignified prisoners of the anti-authoritarian struggle.
Strength to imprisoned comrades worldwide, particularly our Italian comrades Alfredo Cospito and Sergio Stefani, who with a hunger strike are fighting the jailers’ attempts to separate them from their partners.
Strength to Panagiotis Argirou, imprisoned comrade of the anarchist organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Greece; with our fire we send strength to heal after the accident he had in prison that left him comatose.
Strength to the comrades Yannis Michailidis, Dimitris Politis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, and Nikos Romanos, arrested by the Greek police after bank robbery on February 1st and tortured by antiterrorist units. Their words upon arriving in court after the tortures share the sentiment of our action: ‘Viva la anarquía! Cops, judges, politicians, there is no reason for you to sleep in peace.’
Because social war will not be stopped with blows of repression, nor with leftist, centrist or right-wing governments.
Michelle Bachelet: we are awaiting your return to sow fire in your government, and shove the misery of social democracy into the faces of the citizens.
For the enhancement and reinforcement of the anti-authoritarian insurrectionary offensive, and the multiplication of the attacks!
Social war, for total liberation.
Panagiotis Argirou insurrectionary anti-authoritarian cell
in affinity with the Informal Anarchist Federation /
International Revolutionary Front. Chile.
3 thoughts on “Santiago, $hile: Responsibility claim for incendiary action against the jailers”
[Chile] Iván Silva and Carla Verdugo sentenced to 6 years probation: http://waronsociety.noblogs.org/?p=8323