May 1st, Berlin 1999
Here follow just a few call-outs for May Day(s) 2012. Your own reports from the streets are more than welcome here, in the comments section, or at
Occupy May 1st
Chicago: Black bloc demo
Oakland: Occupy demo
New York: Anarchist bike bloc
Seattle: Anti-capitalist march
Montréal, Canada: Anarchist black bloc, anti-capitalist calls
Chillán: Anti-capitalist gathering
Curicó: Anarchist events
Montevideo, Uruguay: Anarchist demo

Nicosia, Cyprus: Occupy Buffer Zone
Setúbal, Portugal: Anti-authoritarian demo + Antifascist call
Dublin, Ireland: Anti-authoritarian bloc + an older mayday leaflet
Prague, Czech republic: Anarchist demo + Antifascist festival
Zurich, Switzerland: Animal, human & nature liberation bloc
Belgrade, Serbia: Anarcho-syndicalists’ call
Istanbul, 35 years after the Taksim massacre: Anarchist calls for the demo
Bursa: Anarchist carnival
Athens: Anarchist and other calls
Thessaloniki: May Day calls
Call-outs in major Greek cities
CGT-CNT-SO anarcho-syndicalist call
Barcelona, Catalonia: Anarchist/libertarian bloc
Elche, Valencia: Anarchist bloc
Ourense, Galicia: Anarchist demo
Berlin: 25 years after the riots in Kreuzberg + Insurrection days
Berlin, Hamburg, Fürth, Stuttgart, Duisburg, Nuremberg, Bonn:
Antifascist/anti-militarist/anti-capitalist calls + mobilization video