The mobilisation in recent days has been tremendous: thanks to the strength of the demonstration on Nantes’ outskirts, but also due to the actions and gatherings multiplying in dozens of other French cities. It’s clear that the anti-airport movement is denser and livelier than ever. This is because it’s become […]
In its mad race for profits, capitalism throws more and more people into precariousness and makes our environment increasingly unliveable. Faced with scolding anger and misery sown into anything that goes, the state invests in maintaining order and builds new prisons. At a time when the people are constrained to […]
Some graffiti on the walls of Cali Univsersity [University of Valle] in Colombia (carried out on January 15th 2016). Some anarchists from Cali uni send their solidarity to the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes: in Italian and German
Whilst the cases of the last legal occupants of the Zad were being judged this Wednesday [January 13th 2016], we set out to repaint the red police station facade of the Beaujoire neighbourhood, in the purest tradition of Nantes-style greenwashing. We’re not fooled: we know well that every court defeat […]
On Saturday 9th January 2016 at 9am, the motorway slip-road to Toulouse airport, as well as the tram, were blockaded with help from flaming barricades. A trial of the inhabitants of the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes will take place on the 13th January in Nantes, that will surely result in an […]
Saturday 9th January: At this very moment in Lille a day/evening is being held of support to the ZAD of Notre Dame des Landes and the inhabitants that face trial this Wednesday 13th January. More than 100 people gathered in the General Assembly decided to show their support to […]
January 9th 2016 from 3pm at La Ferblanterie Excerpt: For a few months the government has announced its wish, to resume airport works involving the eviction of its inhabitants; destruction of the grove, its cultures and protected species. This is why, following a ZAD call-out to re-establish support committees throughout […]
ATTENTION! Change of date General mobilisation of opponents to the airport project the 9th January, following the announcement of the hearing for the 13/01/2016 to evict historical inhabitants and peasants. After the ‘adjourned’ trial of December 10th aimed at evicting the historical inhabitants, and within a climate of announcing evictions and […]
In these days of celebrations, we wanted to also extend our wishes to the French government. Death wishes where the Notre-Dame-Des-Landes project is buried once and for all. Faced with the growing ZAD eviction threats, a small team of artist-apprentices in the night of December 25th to 26th went to […]
Originally published December 26th: Responding to calls for a Black December through acts. Responding to our desires for freedom. Responding by attack against that which allows this oppressive and destructive system to continue. During these last two weeks that have passed, at least 5 Eiffage construction company vans felt their […]
While the multinational Vinci is an official partner of the “COP21 Solutions: Come live the climate experience” exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris, providing two conferences there (one of which is co-presented by an executive director of Veolia), to explain to the public at which point their approach is […]
During the day of Wednesday 9th December, tags were placed in the corridors facing the offices of GECCO (Vertebrate Conservation and Ecology Group) on the ground floor in building F of Angers science university. It now reads “zad everywhere”, “research = collaborator”. GECCO sends students onto the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes […]