Geneva, Switzerland: Burying the airport of Notre-Dame-Des-Landes

In these days of celebrations, we wanted to also extend our wishes to the French government. Death wishes where the Notre-Dame-Des-Landes project is buried once and for all.

Faced with the growing ZAD eviction threats, a small team of artist-apprentices in the night of December 25th to 26th went to decorate the French consulate in Geneva, to thereby also mark down the resistance in Switzerland.

Since 2008, the prospective airport land has been occupied by several hundred inhabitants. Thousands of people line the streets in every support demonstration. Hundreds of defence committees exist in France and elsewhere. But the French government, with [Manuel] Valls leading, insists on passing the project by force, ignoring popular request demanding the airport’s abandonment.

Nevertheless we are determined and the airport won’t happen. The resistance is organising, in Switzerland as in Nantes, like everywhere opposing any projects aimed at perpetuating an alienating and iniquitous capitalist system. And if they use force, we, the militants, will reduplicate creativity.

So go on then, Merry Christmas and choke yourself in your caviare.

PS: More information about Notre-Dame-Des-Landes, the call-out for decentralised actions on January 9th and eviction threats on