Nine comrades conduct hunger strike to date, namely the prisoner Spyros Dravilas (since 4/4) and the CCF imprisoned members, anarchists Gerasimos Tsakalos, Panagiotis Argirou, Christos Tsakalos (since 8/4), Damiano Bolano, Haris Hadjimihelakis, Giorgos Polidoros (since 17/4) and Giorgos Nikolopoulos (since 26/4), as well as Theofilos Mavropoulos as of today. you […]
Theofilos Mavropoulos
The poster reads: Struggle for dignity and freedom inside and outside the walls From April 6th the comrades Giorgos Karagiannidis, Alexandros Mitroussias, Kostas Sakkas are on hunger strike demanding: i) the lifting of the arbitrary and vengeful pretrial detentions imposed on them by the Inquisitors Mokkas and Baltas after their […]
from our brothers and sisters in NYC: “We were a small but lively group of about 20 Anarchists assembled outside the Greek Consulate yesterday evening (19/4). We had two banners, and we passed fliers to bring attention to the corrupt matter of the imprisoned political Anarchist hunger strikers and the […]
‘war to the bitter end … our release from prison shall be done by ourselves and our comrades’ Christos Tsakalos, April 18th (radio98fm recording) Immediate fulfillment of the demands set forth by the anarchist hunger strikers in Koridallos prisons Kostas Sakkas, Alexandros Mitroussias, Giorgos Karagiannidis, who are on hunger strike […]
Solidarity Is Praxis Not Just Words rally outside the Greek Consulate (69 East 79th Street) Thursday, April 19th, at 6.30pm (NYC time) Over the course of the past two weeks, eight imprisoned Greek comrades have declared a hunger strike that has spawned a growing wave of resistance throughout Greece.
Recently a new prosecution was launched by the appellate–interrogation experts Mokkas and Baltas concerning the 250 CCF attacks, for which no charges were pressed until now. These actions are undoubtedly a large part of the new urban guerrilla warfare’s history. Between 2008 and 2011 the revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Cells […]
Wednesday, March 14th, at 19.00, Athens Polytechnic School: third assembly for further discussion on the new political prosecutions concerning older actions against comrades who have been convicted or are accused for the CCF case. At a time when the people are groaning under the unbearable economic poverty and misery that […]
On Wednesday, January 4th, the anarchist Stella Antoniou submits an application for release from prison. Her arrest was a result of the wider counter-anarchist strategy by the State, which began in 2009 with the aim of repressing the anarchist practices of direct action and the phenomenon of the new urban […]
When the prison bars stop our hands from throwing the fire of anarchy into the world of power, our words become the sharp rasp of our escape. We arm them with thoughts, desires, secret plans, new conspiracies, and we turn them into our warmest embrace in our imaginary meeting with […]
A few days ago we were summoned for a preliminary investigation by the anti-terrorist unit, in the prisons where we’re detained. This investigation concerns our possible prosecution according to Article 184 of the Penal Code, under which ‘Whoever publicly causes or triggers in any manner a felony or misdemeanor commitment, […]