Today, April 7th, 2012, in the context of the solidarity call for Stella Antoniou, several people gathered in Hamburg in order to show our solidarity with Stella Antoniou and her comrades imprisoned in Greece. Leaflets were shared out in front of the Greek consulate, at Gänsemarkt and in Susannenstraße, and […]
state terrorism
The current lining up of the persecuted fighters and the solidaritarians against state terrorism is a moment of centuries of war. The civilization of Power is the prison. The rebels are already free and defend their freedom through the continuation of their struggles. The only possible way out for the […]
NOT ALL OF US ARE HERE THE PRISONERS ARE MISSING banner made by the square assembly of Keratsini, one of the solidarity banners that protesters placed around Syntagma yesterday, with different slogans calling for the immediate release of the 4 remanded in custody since February 12th [nggallery id=12] Nearly 400 […]
‘Every day is ours!’ On March 8th, ‘international women’s day’, the Anarchist Women’s collective held a public announcement in front of Bakırköy women’s prisons, where revolutionary women are imprisoned. The activists stated among others that ‘We know that neither freedom, nor our dreams can be held captive, because the spirit […]
On March 30th, in Cairo, protesters pulled down some of the almost five-metre concrete walls that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) of Egypt had built at the entrances around Tahrir Square, in order to defend governmental buildings and to stifle the fierce clashes.
From the first months of the initiative ‘Food Not Bombs’ in Minsk, the participants were faced with police attention. Initially, these ‘encounters’ were irregular and probably coincidental. But since the end of 2009 the police was deliberately attending food distribution. ABC Belarus collected references to these situations from open sources, […]
A picture is worth a thousand words. Nonetheless, after seeing this disgusting sexist frivolity, designed by advertising agents for the lingerie and underwear brand ‘Duloren’, we chose not to remain quiet. The company is based in Brazil and has representatives in the US and Japan, but also sells its products through […]
The clashes between police and people who wanted to celebrate Newroz started at Pazartekke tram station in İstanbul. After the intervention of repressive forces, the resisters set up barricades. The other attack of the cops occurred in Zeytinburnu. Police attacked with tear gas the audience (where also Kurdish parlamenters were […]
Kostas Katsenos is still remanded in custody, accused for the case of Revolutionary Struggle, whose trial is underway. On Tuesday, March 27th, the comrade will appear before the Appellate Judges Council that will decide upon the extension of his pretrial incarceration or his release, since he has completed already 6 […]
On March 16th a protest took place in Beyazit/İstanbul for the anniversary of massacres of Beyazit (16-3/1978) and Xalabja (16-3/1988). The demo was organized by 16 Mart Platformu (16 March Platform). Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF) was one of the participants in this platform. The protest was held in Laleli. Then […]
Since the last February14th, a vast strike movement is shaking the post-secondary studies sector (colleges and universities) in the province of Québec. This general strike movement, mostly lead by a left-wing coalition of student unions – the CLASSE (French acronym for Broad Coalition of the Association for Student Syndicalist Solidarity) […]
Intervention in Egaleo from the self-managed hangout (steki) of the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens in solidarity with the four imprisoned comrades that were arrested during the February 12th demo On February 29th, the self-managed hangout of TEI of Athens carried out a solidarity intervention for the four demonstrators […]