In the afternoon of Sunday, September 30th, 2012, approximately 60 comrades gathered in front of the local juvenile prison, in Chiliadous neighbourhood. Carrying a banner that read “Solidarity to the prisoner struggle” and with their voices filling the air for about forty minutes, they expressed their solidarity to those behind […]
prisoners’ struggle
Since September 13th, 2012 inmates in Greek prisons carry out yet another mass mobilization, which concerns legal regulations as well as the living conditions within the hellholes. Resistance includes prison food abstention and other forms of protest. In some facilities prisoners are in total strike, abstaining from day’s wages, while […]
September 25th, 2012 An Open Letter to Striking Prisoners in Greece We, the Red and Black Umbrella Anarchist Social Centre, wish to extend solidarity to the striking prisoners of: Larissa, Trikala, Grevena, Domokos, Malandrino, Komotini, Koridallos, Patras, Corfu, Chios, Nafplion, Diavata and Alikarnassos prisons in Greece; and every rebel that […]
We urge everyone to join a protest gathering at the park on Grigoriou Lambraki Street in Koridallos (where the New Year’s concentrations outside the prisons take place) on Sunday, September 23rd, by 5pm to support us in our struggle for dignity, because since September 13th we are on strike from […]
In mid July we heard from the TV news bulletins that the police have arrested three correctional officers in Trikala prison on charges of importing drugs and other hard-to-find staples into prison. We are shocked by the lack of esprit de corps in the police force and particularly those police […]
Note from ABC Berlin: Anarchist Marco Camenisch, imprisoned in Switzerland, has drafted a first letter regarding the “operation boldness” (operazione ardire). He is one of the accused in this frenzied construct against anarchists in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Greece. Here follows a translation of Marco’s words (we gave it our […]
During the past month, we destroyed 14 private surveillance cameras in the wider area of Volos. CCTV cameras are the technological support of the security dogma. They are the practical implementation of the Orwellian ‘Big Brother’ society. They are intended to impose, either in an insidious and subtle way, or […]
Lately (during the last three months) there has been an intense problem with food supply in Corinth prisons, where 84 inmates are obliged to live under circumstances incompatible with any notion of human dignity. Specifically (and according to information confirmed even by the prison administration), the inmates are literally malnourished […]
Tuesday, May 29th, 2012 Comrade Olga Ekonomidou, member of the anarchist revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, has been in solitary confinement for 25 days now in Diavata women’s prison, because she refused to undergo the—humiliating to her dignity—process of prison strip search, refusal realized by all comrades-members of […]
Text that was shared out during the supermarket expropriation: We won’t beg for a pittance from no boss. We live in a reality full of inequalities. Others wonder what to throw out from their filled fridge, and others look for food in the garbage bins. Others are looking after a […]
Downtown Thessaloniki Friday, 13.15pm Divided into different groups of comrades, we moved synchronously in order to disrupt, even in a symbolic way, the city’s normality during rush hour, when the metropolitan factory’s machines are working nonstop. We smashed and took 3 ATMs out of service, thus sabotaging the Capital’s smooth […]