whoever forgets the hostages of the social struggle, forgets the struggle itself london anarchists in solidarity
financial aid
The Gondolkodó Autonóm Antikvárium (Gondolkodó Autonomous Bookshop) is the only workers’ movementary distribution place, library and meeting-place in the East Central European region (namely in Hungary) which has been functioning continuously for many years (now for 19 years). Now this place must be renovated because the walls are wet and […]
Solidarity to the steelworkers strikers We are one fist. Ready for the hardest class confrontation! Your participation to the struggle is not a matter of solidarity; it is a matter of life and death for the working class as a whole. Hands off our rights achieved with blood. We won’t […]
2 SOLIDARITY EVENINGS for the imprisoned fighters Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011 — 20.00 Comradely kitchen ‘Eat the rich (at least bite a bit)’ Delta squat, 13, Egnatias Street (Colombou bus stop) Tuesday, November 29th, 2011 — 20.00 Italian trattoria: pasta, appetizers, pizza Orfanotrofio squat, 186, Lambraki Street (Ano Toumpa) All […]
On Sunday, November 20th, comrades in solidarity with the 13 arrestees of the November 17th demo organize a party for financial aid in Exarchia Square. The event starts at 15.00 and continues until late in the evening. On Monday, November 21st, a solidarity gathering will be held at Evelpidon courts, […]
In Athens alone, the squats live under constant threat of fascists and police. Organized neo-Nazi gangs attack repeatedly occupied projects with arsons, backed by the police. The Greek police tend to launch vengeful attacks on squats whenever riots break out. Very little money is available for the building maintenance of […]
Solidarity initiative’s announcement for the financial support of those arrested at the general strike of June 28th–29th: This initiative was created on Friday, July 1rst, and consists of arrestees and people in solidarity. The purpose of our initiative is to help meet the high-cost bails and juridical expenses that were […]