17.10.2012 Since September 27th, in the 2H north wing of the High Security Prison (C.A.S.) of Santiago, Chile, prisoners have been on strike to protest against what they consider the humiliating and degrading treatment of excessive body searches on prisoners and visiting relatives. The Gendarmerie (prison guards in Chile), under […]
Latin America
In the context of the days of mobilization and international solidarity with comrades kidnapped all over the world, from the 21st to the 30th of September, an anti-repression march was called on Friday noon, September 28th in Mexico City. The anarchist demo paid a visit to embassies of various States […]
On Friday, October 5th, 2012, in a day of solidarity with displaced squatters in Bogotá, approximately 25 people gathered from 12.00 to 2.30pm in front of a squatted residential building at the corner of 47th street and 7th avenue, in order to publicly denounce the appalling housing situation in Colombia […]
We hope you can help us spread the word. On September 12th, at 6.30am, Delta occupied social centre was evicted. In the past, this building served as a university residence hall of the Alexandreio Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki, and was occupied since 2007. During the eviction, ten of us […]
LIVING IN TIMES OF TOTALITARIAN DEMOCRACY Following the summer campaign against immigrants, sarcastically named ‘Xenios Zeus’ that continues nationwide to date, with tens of thousands of detentions and arrests, the enemy within was targeted for repression and compliance, just as expected. So, after the first ‘warm-up’ with the Hollywoodian invasion of […]
September 11th was the day that, in 1973, the commander-in-chief of the Chilean army Augusto Pinochet took power over the democratically elected president Allende. Pinochet killed and tortured thousands in his dictatorial rule, until 1990. On the same day, in 1998, anarchist Claudia López was shot dead by cops of […]
On October 2nd, 2012, in the last session of the 2nd ‘Halandri case’ trial (with all four defendants absent from the courtroom), Damiano Bolano, Michalis Nikolopoulos and Giorgos Nikolopoulos were each sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment for their participation in the R.O. CCF and 10 years’ imprisonment for each of […]
On Friday, September 28th, we hung a banner as a token of propaganda and solidarity with our brothers and sisters prisoners of war, at the entrance of the Túnel da Conceição in downtown Porto Alegre. The banner was dedicated to imprisoned comrades in Bolivia and read: ‘With all forms of […]
This Was Our Job. But it’s not anymore. Three years to the day of the first post to This Is Our Job, I’ve decided to end this particular anarchist project in order to devote myself to other anarchist projects. Primarily, I want more time to spend on the translation and […]
The unexpected encounter Violent winds blowing Surprise by assault of sensations setting fire to the interior The muscles, the bones, our heads pouring out yearnings Trying out moments, a concrete instant The fugitive glances Say nothing I already know everything Suddenly a chaos that reveals a crystal clear instant Two […]
We decided to join the call of anarchist groups and individuals that are not limited to words and curses against social peace, and take in their hands the decision to blow up the system of domination, turning direct solidarity with our captive brothers and sisters into practice. For this reason, […]