As of June 27th (5th day of mass hunger strike), more inmates have joined the hunger strike in the prison of Corfu, taking courage from the warm supportive intervention outside the extermination centre. On the same day, the network of imprisoned fighters called for solidarity with the ongoing struggle in […]
Koridallos prisons
According to rough estimates, nearly 4,000 individuals participated in the anarchist-antiauthoritarian demonstration on the 28th of June in downtown Athens. People in struggle and in solidarity are obviously not figures in accounting books, nor does any total number equal the desire for freedom. However, the last few days, numbers are […]
Draft bill on new Type-C maximum security prisons will be put to a vote within a week. The Greek parliament is in summer recess; the recess section (consisting of one third of the total number of MPs) is scheduled to vote the bill on Thursday the 3rd of July 2014. […]
25/6/2014 – From the E wing of Koridallos men’s prison (Athens), 180 prisoners have also joined the hunger strike. So, in Koridallos prison alone, those who participate in the strike are now 1,480 inmates. Meanwhile, hearings in terror courts have been interrupted, because all of the imprisoned anarchists on trial […]
On the 6th of June 2014, nearly 40 comrades attended the second day of appeals hearing in the courthouse of Thessaloniki. Meanwhile, comrade Babis Tsilianidis —who has always refused to attend court proceedings— was in Koridallos prison (Athens) waiting for the outcome. To cut a long story short, the prosecutor […]
In the afternoon of May 13th, 2014, we made an intervention at a conference of the National School of Judicial Officers and the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in the university’s ceremony hall, which would also be attended by the honorary president of the Council of State, […]
On Monday, March 31st, 2014, men incarcerated in the A wing as well as women inmates of Koridallos prisons refused to return to the cells after the end of time on prison yards, staying outside for one hour (from 11am to 12pm) as a sign of mourning and rage over […]
Since February 17th, 2014, nearly 180 patient inmates at Aghios Pavlos ‘hospital’ in Koridallos prison are on strike, refusing meals and medications, to protest the horrific conditions. Anarchists in the fourth wing of Koridallos men’s prison hung a banner out from the windows of ‘their’ cells, which are located directly […]
We are forced once again to talk about things which should be obvious, hoping and wanting this to be the last time we do so. We refer to two texts published on Monday night, January 20th, on ‘Inter Arma’, one by Gerasimos Tsakalos and another by people in solidarity with […]
Ever since the escape of urban guerrilla fighter Christodoulos Xiros,* the anti-terrorist force, that promotes itself as the police elite of Power, has unleashed a witch-hunt in an attempt to get revenge and restore their wounded prestige. In parallel, the mainstream media as if they were the exclusive proprietors and […]
Today, January 20th, 2014, 6 comrades of the Conspiracy* were called to appear before the prison prosecutor, who imposed disciplinary sanction against them after prisoners from the 4th wing released a text which pointed them** out as culpable for the beating of another inmate, as she told them, and after […]