International solidarity days with the Revolutionary Struggle On Friday, November 23rd, at 12pm, we chose to attack the State Legal Council symbolically. We chose the particular target because of the judiciary’s contribution to the court proceeding against the Revolutionary Struggle. A trial conducted by a special court (an emergency court-martial), […]
Koridallos prisons
Background information and constant updates in English on Revolutionary Struggle Case and Actforfreedomnow! Social revolution is not a past; it is the present and future of the world. Regarding the call for international solidarity and action As assembly for the Revolutionary Struggle case and in continuance of solidarity actions for […]
On Friday evening, October 12th, a demonstration was held in downtown Athens in solidarity with the imprisoned members of the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and the other ten anarchist comrades accused in the same case, under the new trial which began on October 8th. The demo had been […]
October 8th, 2012: Konstantinos Papadopoulos and comrades Stella Antoniou, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Alexandros Mitroussias and Kostas Sakkas attended the first hearing of the new CCF case trial. At the start of the process, the nine members of the R.O. CCF and anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos left the courtroom and were taken back […]
On October 2nd, 2012, in the last session of the 2nd ‘Halandri case’ trial (with all four defendants absent from the courtroom), Damiano Bolano, Michalis Nikolopoulos and Giorgos Nikolopoulos were each sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment for their participation in the R.O. CCF and 10 years’ imprisonment for each of […]
Since September 13th, 2012 inmates in Greek prisons carry out yet another mass mobilization, which concerns legal regulations as well as the living conditions within the hellholes. Resistance includes prison food abstention and other forms of protest. In some facilities prisoners are in total strike, abstaining from day’s wages, while […]
We urge everyone to join a protest gathering at the park on Grigoriou Lambraki Street in Koridallos (where the New Year’s concentrations outside the prisons take place) on Sunday, September 23rd, by 5pm to support us in our struggle for dignity, because since September 13th we are on strike from […]
received by International Red Aid: Painted slogans in Zurich for the immediate release of imprisoned anarchist Marco Camenisch, and in solidarity with the three members of Revolutionary Struggle. Intervention with banners in Athens, outside the court-martial in Koridallos women’s prisons where the trial for the Revolutionary Struggle case is held. […]
As part of contrainfo call for interventions against repression, in areas where anarchist groups are active, we placed a banner in the centre of Koridallos district, in front of the municipal movie theatre “Cine Paradise”. “Ideas cannot be imprisoned – Abolition of prisons” were the slogans that we wrote. In […]
As already reported, the First Three-Member Misdemeanor Court of Piraeus decided to discontinue the prison sentence of Savvas Xiros for a 5month period (under constant police custody), in order to receive a medical treatment for his serious health problems in his eyes, ears and legs at the AHEPA hospital in […]
On Thursday, July 19th, the court of Piraeus rejected as unfounded the motion of the chief prosecutor of Piraeus, who sought to change the hospital where Savvas Xiros would be treated. Savvas has already been transferred into the AHEPA hospital of Thessaloniki, since Wednesday, July 18th, and remains under constant […]
Comrade Babis Tsilianidis, imprisoned now in the 1st wing of Koridallos prisons, stated that he will not attend this court, in the same way he did not attend previous court proceedings, thus ‘refusing to apologize to my judges, to prosecutors of the multiform liberation struggle,’ as he explains in his […]