Last night a group of people went to make noise at the new location of the Schiphol deportation prison (Amsterdam). It is an international tradition on New Year’s Eve to go to the prisons to break the silence and isolation. In the new Schiphol prison ‘De Poort’ over 1,000 people […]
We claim responsibility for the smashing of the branch office of the parastatal company ‘Chrissi Avgi’ on Skenderani street at the dawn of Tuesday 11.12.2012. The specific office-shop, based on and accountable to the state directorate, is the hole in which the fascists felt safe with frequent police presence. It […]
“Persons locked up behind bars stop living, they just survive in prison. Every one of them makes their own mold into which they’re supposed to fit, finding refuge in standardized behaviours and reactions (…) one becomes simply a number, another accusatory brief scattered on an iron bed, in a narrow […]
And time is passing by, minutes are crowding alongside each other, and days are whistling carefree. Our thoughts slip from the dictatorships of watches and monotonous repetitions, seeking paths of transgression. Morning alarms ring loudly in our ears, identical figures scare us on the streets, our nightmares lurk… Dreams are […]
On November 18th, comrades in Yekaterinburg carried out an action for the Food Not Bombs campaign that they dedicated to anarchists from Delta squat, in Thessaloniki, as a token of international solidarity. Here follows a raw translation of brief excerpts from their communiqué: “When people commit suicide due to poverty […]
November 10th, 2012 We are a group of immigrants, illegal ones, who managed to avoid arrest during the “Xenios Zeus” operations that took place in Patras on the 1st of October. During this operation many of our friends were arrested and are now being held for no reason whatsoever in […]
On October 24th, 20 participants in the ongoing refugee strike in Germany decided to go on hunger strike and set up a second tent camp in front of Brandenburg Gate, in Berlin, which the police took down that night. The cops forbid any use of sleeping equipment as well. Below […]
We hope you can help us spread the word. On September 12th, at 6.30am, Delta occupied social centre was evicted. In the past, this building served as a university residence hall of the Alexandreio Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki, and was occupied since 2007. During the eviction, ten of us […]
LIVING IN TIMES OF TOTALITARIAN DEMOCRACY Following the summer campaign against immigrants, sarcastically named ‘Xenios Zeus’ that continues nationwide to date, with tens of thousands of detentions and arrests, the enemy within was targeted for repression and compliance, just as expected. So, after the first ‘warm-up’ with the Hollywoodian invasion of […]
Events come thick and fast these days in Greece. While the attacks on immigrants, their houses and shops are still going on, the last months showed more and more antifascist activities like manifestations, leaflet distribution and direct answers. Last week, the state power showed once again on which side it […]
The night of September 15th saw the first motorcycle patrol through Athens centre with flypostering and protest chants against neo-Nazi attacks. On September 22nd another antifa motorcycle demo was realized successfully. In the evening of Sunday, September 30th, a third antifascist intervention–motorcycle patrol passed through downtown locations, but was soon […]