Today, April 6th, 2012, in a joint statement from Koridallos prisons, the anarchists Giorgos Karagiannidis, Alexandros Mitroussias and Kostas Sakkas declared that they go on hunger strike, demanding the lifting of their arbitrary and vengeful pretrial incarcerations, as well as the immediate release of their co-defendant Stella Antoniou on health […]
hunger strike
Today, Monday, February 27th, our comrades Freddy Fuentevilla, Marcelo Villarroel and Juan Aliste continue their liquid hunger strike, and they are still held as a punishment in the maximum security section, a situation that will not change until they lay down their mobilization. In this context, our comrades have remarkably lost […]
This is a flyer (in Italian) that was distributed during the demo against the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Bern on January 21st, 2012. Comrades from Villa Vegan Squat in Milan, Italy, are translating the communiqués of Marco, Silvia and Billy about the strike, so they will be available soon. […]
Mobilization at Koridallos dungeons – Update on his health condition On December 3rd the gathering outside Koridallos prisons in solidarity with Panagiotis Avdikos was held as planned. The place resembled a war zone, as there were cops everywhere, various officers, a police squad’s bus, DIAS motorcyclists, police blockades in every […]
Panagiotis Avdikos is currently confined in Aghios Pavlos ‘hospital’ of Koridallos prisons, after a long hunger strike. He was arrested outside his home on April 18th, 2011, accused for possession of drugs. He almost immediately decided to start a hunger strike in order to protest for the police frame-up which […]
Since Monday, October 24th, 52 people (out of the 65 total in their block), all of them immigrant detainees, have begun a hunger strike in block 10 of the central prison. Their crime: their illegal residency in Cyprus. Their demand: to stop being denied their basic rights which are being […]
In early July the Greek government acting solely on behalf of the State of Israel ordered the sailing ban of the Freedom Flotilla 2, a group of naval ships that carry humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Undoubtedly, the ships’ blockade by uniformed forces […]
On Monday, March 28th, the following text was sent from inside the consulate of Chile in Athens (in Kifissia suburb), which was occupied for hours in a symbolic solidarity gesture to the Chilean anarchists that are persecuted with the anti-terrorist law for the ‘bomb case’: Today, we occupy the consulate […]
CALL – DISCUSSION ABOUT THE CHILEAN ANARCHISTS ON HUNGER STRIKE SINCE 21/2/11 On August 14th 2010, in a coordinator attack of the police, raids are carried out in various squats and houses in Santiago, Chile, as well as other parts of the country. 14 people are arrested and accused of […]
Athens, 7th of March: Ministry of Health’s announcement demanded the transfer of the hunger strikers from the building of Hypatia (Ipirou Str & Patission Ave). According to this announcement: “All limits of tolerance and understanding as it concerns the health issues raised practically by the struggle of the immigrants have […]
Announcement-response to the government’s proposal, after the meeting (of the immigrants-workers hunger strikers) with the ministers: 1. We hunger strikers, from the places of our strike in Athens and Thessaloniki and from hospitals, unanimously reject the government’s proposal for a regime of tolerance, because it does not respond to our […]
On the evening of 26/1, the Rectorate Authorities of the university with 4 NGOs (non-governmental organizations) held a meeting for the removal of the immigrants on hunger strike from the university asylum of the Law School of Athens. In Greece, in order for the university asylum to be violated, it […]