Here we highlight some of the most recent attacks against the most vulnerable parts of Greek society. These are only a few of the cases that occur daily in the city of Athens; the birthplace of ‘culture and democracy’, as the travel agents call it. A war has been declared […]
When the prison bars stop our hands from throwing the fire of anarchy into the world of power, our words become the sharp rasp of our escape. We arm them with thoughts, desires, secret plans, new conspiracies, and we turn them into our warmest embrace in our imaginary meeting with […]
On November 3rd in Aigio, a town northeast of Patras, unknown scumbags (most likely neo-Nazis) burned down the homes of tens of immigrants. Shortly before 2am, some slums in Farazouli and Platonos streets, known as ‘Rodopoulou shacks’ were wrapped in flames. Nearly 30 immigrants lived there (who ironically are reported […]
The contract staff of the Municipal Computerization (DAEM, a City of Athens corporation) is threatened with mass layoff. As they mentioned in an earlier press release, “The Greek government, which for years refused to accept the change of the designation of our contracts so that they would represent the true […]
The harsh austerity measures applied by the Greek government and the Troika (EC/ECB/IMF) are promoting the total collapse of the welfare system, with massive cuts and dismissals in the health care sector, with growing poverty, unemployment and social exclusion. Responding to these developments which affect the lives of thousands, an […]
During the morning of Thursday, October 20th, a group of about 50 anarchists carried out a supermarket expropriation in the city of Patras. The group expropriated a large quantity of food and immediately distributed it among people in an open-air market located near the supermarket. As the group explain in […] The steps are very simple: All you need to do is unscrew the electricity supply, making sure you screw it back in once you’re done, to avoid obvious evidence you have tampered with it. Only touch insulated items; avoid the wires. Your hands should be dry while doing this. […]
Let’s counter-attack. Let’s intervene in the feast of the union fat-cats and promote combative features in the demonstration. OCTOBER 19th: EVERYONE TO THE STREETS! ‘Against violence, wherever it comes from’: a phrase that we often hear from Adonis Georgiadis, as much as from someone who belongs to the political left, […]
Crete Island: The general assembly of the workers in the Peripheral Unit of Rethymnon decided to occupy the building of the sub region (former prefecture) on October 18th, to coordinate their actions with employees in regions across the country. Vyronas, Athens: Early in the morning of Thursday, October 18th, the […]
‘It’s not a crisis! It’s the system!’ Opening demo: October 15th, 2011, 16.00 MEZ, Werderplatz, Karlsruhe Anarchistische Netzwerk Südwest* / Anarchist Network Southwest* The call Among the Greek population the anger is growing: demonstrations, strikes, occupations. Since the announcement of the austerity measures by the Greek government and the EU, […]
On July 7th, 2011, here in Larissa prisons where I am held and convicted over a bank robbery, I was served with a new warrant of detention accused for another robbery of a bank on Cephalonia Island in July 2009. I must simply remind that the attempt of the prosecuting […]
On Friday night, October 7th, a fascist bookshop located at 114, Solonos Street was arsoned. Serious damage was caused to the property of ‘Georgiadis editions’. It was the seventeenth attack against this well-established enterprise owned by the notorious far-rightist Adonis Georgiadis and his brother. The particular scumbags regularly appear on […]