Gabriel Pombo da Silva has finally been released from prison, but apparently they want him locked up again in 45 days, leaving him with no choice but to go underground. Gabriel has reaffirmed his anarchist convictions, expressed his gratitude and love to all those who’ve stood by him over the […]
Gabriel Pombo Da Silva
Let’s not allow the State to keep rebels in its clutches! There seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel for comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva, who has spent more than 30 years in Spanish and German prison cells. He was extradited from Germany to Spain to […]
That thought is I am here today sitting in a steel and concrete, tomblike cage writing these words to you but sometime in the future it might be you behind prison walls, writing comparable thoughts to the outside. – Harold H. Thompson [1942-2008] Each day that a comrade spends inside […]
Navarre — ATM sabotaged in Altsasu We support the struggle of prisoners on hunger strike, José Antúnez Becerra, Xavier Corporales Berruecos and Javi Guerrero. This is why on February 8th we sabotaged the ATM of Santander bank in Altsasu (Navarre), Basque Country, to be linked with the exploitation of prisoners […]
On Saturday, January 11th, the squatted social centre La Gatonera, located on 9, Amistad Street in the district of Carabanchel, Madrid, hosts an info event in solidarity with anarchist prisoners facing long sentences worldwide. We meet at 18:30 and begin counter-information talk, with the aim to publicize some of the […]
The exhibition/auction for supporting prisoners is an initiative with which we intend to aid all those behind bars through our paintings, drawings or other forms of expression, as much as we wish the extermination of any type of prison. We are not artists, nor do we like to commodify our […]
Anarchist solidarity against Europe of police forces and every authority On June 13th, 2012, after several different government operations targeting other comrades, the Italian state launched a wave of repression against dozens of anarchists, called ‘operation Ardire,’ consisting of 40 raids, 24 targeted investigations of individuals, and 8 incarcerations. This […]
RadioAzione spread the word about the recent transfer of Gabriel Pombo Da Silva from Aachen (Germany) to Madrid (Spain). As soon as we know the new prison address, we will submit here. Freedom for Gabriel! Freedom for all comrades in struggle! Fire to the prisons!
RadioAzione reports that, as of December 15th, imprisoned comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva is on hunger strike in solidarity with anarchist Marco Camenisch, who is facing yet another proceeding starting from scratch regarding his just request for conditional release. Gabriel will be on strike in the prison of Aachen, Germany, until […]
In the context of the days of mobilization and international solidarity with comrades kidnapped all over the world, from the 21st to the 30th of September, an anti-repression march was called on Friday noon, September 28th in Mexico City. The anarchist demo paid a visit to embassies of various States […]
Read the full text of the call for 10 days of mobilization and international solidarity, from the 21st to the 30th of September, here The poster reads: BY ALL THE ENERGY NECESSARY! BY ALL THE MEANS NECESSARY! ‘They spare no “forms or means”. Why would we? Our moral is not […]