On Monday, February 9th, two days after his arrest in La Ligua village, comrade Diego Ríos appeared before the court in Santiago, where the judiciary authorities pressed charges against him. The prosecutor unsuccessfully tried to reopen the notorious Caso Bombas (“Bombs Case”, in which the defendants were acquitted of all […]
caso bombas
Thursday 12th February, at 18:30: Film screening of the documentary “Caso Bombas” on anarchists in Chile (the film is in Spanish but the subtitles are in English) Vegan food, liberated price For the address: blancarde2015@riseup.net International solidarity with those implicated in Operation Pandora “For those who struggle, the sense of […]
On the night to March 6, 2014, we set fire to a Santander bank branch in Neukölln, Berlin. We destroyed a windowpane and ignited a delayed-action incendiary device. We dedicate this action to the captured and murdered by the capitalist system in Chile and Spain. First off, to Tamara Sol […]
On November 24th, several compañerxs unfolded a banner from the top of the Berlin Cathedral, which read “Solidarity with the 5 anarch@s from Barcelona – Freedom for all” referring to Gerardo, Rocío, Valeria, Mónica and Francisco, who were arrested in Barcelona on November 13th, 2013. The comrades are accused under […]
On November 18th some members of Contra Info hung a banner at Exarchia square in downtown Athens, in solidarity with the 5 comrades arrested in Barcelona on November 13th, accused under the anti-terror law for direct actions vindicated by the Insurrectional Commando Mateo Morral. The banner reads: “Freedom for the […]
On October 2nd, 2013 the anarchist group “Insurrectional Commando Mateo Morral” installed an explosive device at an infamous fascist church monument, the Basilica of the Pillar in Zaragoza, Spain. This cathedral is one of the most significant temples for the holders of Power, and stands as one of the main […]
Greetings, comrades; I am still confronting the present here and obviously not giving up. My intention with this communiqué is the following: to clarify certain conflicts and rumors that have arisen about my person. I think from what I’ve understood people have been saying that I’m a police collaborator; but […]
APOLOGIA ON THE DELATION Sitting on the bedstead that has become one of the places where I can read and write, I decided to put the worries in my head into words. The bustle from the approximately 50 prisoners with whom I share this space takes over the surroundings; a […]
When the prison bars stop our hands from throwing the fire of anarchy into the world of power, our words become the sharp rasp of our escape. We arm them with thoughts, desires, secret plans, new conspiracies, and we turn them into our warmest embrace in our imaginary meeting with […]
On Monday, March 28th, the following text was sent from inside the consulate of Chile in Athens (in Kifissia suburb), which was occupied for hours in a symbolic solidarity gesture to the Chilean anarchists that are persecuted with the anti-terrorist law for the ‘bomb case’: Today, we occupy the consulate […]