In an effort to keep up actions in solidarity with the Contra Info callout, new slogans have appeared in the Canary Islands. Moreover, a small banner was found in one of the main accesses to the town which reads: “Neither Gold in Halkidiki or Oil in Lanzarote. Down with Multinationals!”, […]
Montevideo, occupied territory by the Killer State of Uruguay. In the context of the international call against repression carried out by the comrades of Contra Info, in the night of August 8th some individuals hung a banner on the bridge of Sarmiento in solidarity with comrades Marcelo Villarroel, Juan Aliste […]
From Santiago, with lots of love, we send these propaganda images which were done in different places in Santiago this month (6th to 10th August). “No one will ever be forgotten; from our imprisoned cities we, the comrades being out of Prison of torture and solitary confinement, will be everywhere, […]
As part of the call for propaganda actions against repression, we placed three banners in the wider city centre of Belgrade. On the day we carried out an action (8.8.2012) there was also a football match, so the area was crowded with anti-riot police, a fact that gave somewhat additional […]
In the night of the 7th of August, we hung a solidarity banner for the unrepentant red-skin/rash prisoner Thomas Meyer-Falk at the interchange of Iera Odos with Thivon Avenue in Egaleo, where it has much traffic. The banner read ‘Freedom for Thomas Meyer-Falk… and all political outlaws’. Unfortunately it stayed […]
In the city of Setúbal, combative land which invokes the struggles of anarcho-syndicalist workers of the early twentieth century, the lives and battles of the fisherfolk, the popular struggles against co-incineration and destruction of nature by the Construction Materials Industry “Secil” (Portugal’s second major cement manufacturer) and more recently against […]
Below are some slogans and a banner in Malta, in support to the anti-repression week. We fixed a banner on one of the most central bridge of the country. On the banner you can read in Maltese “MEPA is Mafia; Maltese people, wake up!” —where MEPA stands for the Malta […]
As part of contrainfo call for interventions against repression, in areas where anarchist groups are active, we placed a banner in the centre of Koridallos district, in front of the municipal movie theatre “Cine Paradise”. “Ideas cannot be imprisoned – Abolition of prisons” were the slogans that we wrote. In […]
In the context of the anti-repression contrainfo call, on August 5th we placed a banner in a pedestrian park in the city of Strasbourg that reads: “Calais, London, Chile, Barcelona, Tunisia… Everywhere the State kills – Let’s strike back!”
The banner which was placed at Dimarhiou Square in Veria reads: “By tearing down all authority, we built structures of autonomy and self-organization – Solidarity with Draka (Corfu), Delta (Thessaloniki) and Apertus (Agrinio) squats – Β(Α)RUTI”
“On Thursday, August 2nd, we dropped a solidarity banner in solidarity with occupied spaces, in the context of ten anti-repression days declared by the translation counter-information network Contra Info. In the same context of propaganda actions, late in the evening of Sunday, August 5th, at 22.00 (GMT+2) the anarchist radio-revolt will […]