On November 24th, several compañerxs unfolded a banner from the top of the Berlin Cathedral, which read “Solidarity with the 5 anarch@s from Barcelona – Freedom for all” referring to Gerardo, Rocío, Valeria, Mónica and Francisco, who were arrested in Barcelona on November 13th, 2013. The comrades are accused under […]
On November 18th some members of Contra Info hung a banner at Exarchia square in downtown Athens, in solidarity with the 5 comrades arrested in Barcelona on November 13th, accused under the anti-terror law for direct actions vindicated by the Insurrectional Commando Mateo Morral. The banner reads: “Freedom for the […]
On October 2nd, 2013 the anarchist group “Insurrectional Commando Mateo Morral” installed an explosive device at an infamous fascist church monument, the Basilica of the Pillar in Zaragoza, Spain. This cathedral is one of the most significant temples for the holders of Power, and stands as one of the main […]
AGAINST THE REPRESSION – SOLIDARITY AND ACTION. In the early hours of September 3rd, we went out to the Uruguayan/Argentine ferry company Buquebus, as well as to the chancellery and embassy of the Uruguayan State that has been harassing our comrades in Montevideo. Two persons have been indicted, and twelve others […]
From Boletín La Oveja Negra: While in various places around the world an incipient aggression begins to materialize, show itself and organize, in the Argentine State the mass of the population is living in a kind of bubble. Simply criticizing the government is enough to put you on one side, […]
We are proud to say that we are part of the current social war in the territory dominated by the Argentine State, sabotaging the instruments that are most highly valued by civilized beings: Cars. Amigxs de la Tierra have carried out incendiary attacks against luxury cars in the most capitalist […]
In Buenos Aires streets, we painted a mural in solidarity with the squats in Greece and the world, in the context of the call for a Black February. This action is symbolic; we do not believe that by painting a wall we put the Greek government into checkmate for its […]
We report that over the past month – November 2012 – more than a hundred luxury cars were torched in the city of Buenos Aires, specifically in the neighbourhoods of Recoleta, Palermo, Belgrano, Nuñez, Villa Urquiza and Villa Devoto, because of an incendiary action performed by the anonymous hands of […]
Anarchist comrades have come up with a proposal to organize a film festival. The aim of the event will be encounter, interaction and debate around audiovisual production, critical of the reality that we want to destroy. Making use, inevitably, of the technologies of the modern world, we recognize the importance […]
Our hearts are beating for Love and Rebelliousness. Beating when feeling alive, when doing praxis out of our lives, neither waiting for nor expecting nothing. Waiting is for cowards. Our wish of taking back our lives moves us to action. From Buenos Aires, in the Argentine State, we join the […]
‘We placed this banner alongside a busy bridge as our modest contribution to the flame of solidarity that can never be extinguished; Tortuga, we want you free on the streets, conspiring, as corresponds to us savages.’ The banner reads: IN WAR AGAINST THE DOMINATING SYSTEM – TORTUGA BACK ON THE […]