received February 2nd 2017 No freedom of movement for WMD minions On 2nd of February, starting 06.30 AM, five anti-nuclear activists blocked the pleasantly busy morning traffic at the south gate of Her Majesty’s Naval Base Clyde (yes, they’re still having this monarchy thing going on) in Faslane, Scotland. South […]
antimilitarist manifestations
A political account of the court-martial against total objector to military service Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis (June 2nd 2016) [Original statement in Greek here — scroll down to hear audio excerpt from the military courtroom; in the end comrades shout the slogans “Trials will become condemnations upon the State itself” and “Solidarity […]
We got wind of the army (air force) these days exposing themselves at the Besançon shopping centre of Chateaufarine, through an exposition entitled “Wings and men”: the butchers in uniform make demonstrations of their playthings which massacre all over the world for their nation, economy and borders… This institution of khaki […]
Remember Przychodnia: Fight Fascism, Patriotism and Militarism! November 11th, on Armistice Day, No Fixed Abode Anti-Fascists took the steps of Euston War Memorial against patriotism and for solidarity with anti-fascist and anti-militarist struggle. Two years ago on this day, the Przychodnia squat in Warsaw successfully resisted an attack by neo-fascists […]
Today as 100 years ago: War against war! For the social revolution! The 28th of July 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, and the 1st of August is the date of entry of the German Empire into the latter. Already since the beginning […]
“This year NATO will have their next summit at Celtic Manor Resort, in Newport, south Wales. In early September 2014, “world leaders” – all directly responsible for untold death, illegal torture flights, and wars fought purely to protect Western business interests and resource supply routes – will gather on the […]
From the antimilitarist brochure ‘War Against War’ by the collective of total objectors to military service Xipolito Tagma (‘Barefoot Battalion’ in Ioannina, Greece) Rapes in wartime can be committed and have indeed been perpetrated by organized armies, paramilitary and fascist groups, and various fundamentalists. Sexual abuse and rapes against girls […]
On Thursday, October 4th, 2012 thousands of people took to the streets of İstanbul and raised the voice of peace against global capitalists’ aims in Middle East. The war politics of the Turkish State continue unobstructed, not only in the current war with Syria, but also in the 30-year hostilities […]
From the first months of the initiative ‘Food Not Bombs’ in Minsk, the participants were faced with police attention. Initially, these ‘encounters’ were irregular and probably coincidental. But since the end of 2009 the police was deliberately attending food distribution. ABC Belarus collected references to these situations from open sources, […]
The education of military personnel, from the soldier to the highest ranks, necessarily turns them into enemies of the civilian society and the people. Mikhail Bakunin Once again, on last Tuesday, December 13th, the Colombian State, head of its repressive military forces, called thousands of young people into its clutches […]
On Saturday morning, December 3rd, a solidarity counter-information gathering was held outside the squatted space Parartima, in the city of Patras, for anarchist G.Koronaios who is prosecuted by the Greek authorities due to his public statement of military service refusal. During the action many texts were distributed and posters were […]
Public statement of military service refusal To the Hellenic National Defense General Staff and to all military recruitment authorities What if someone told me, ‘What do you want then; to change humankind?’ I would answer, ‘No, something infinitely more moderate; I’d wish for humankind to change itself.’ —Cornelius Castoriadis My […]