The squares and neighbourhoods come on the foreground once again. Some descend deeper into a swamp of antisocial criminality resulting from the escalating poverty, racism and a situation of generalized cannibalism. Others constitute places where people meet and participate in open assemblies trying to resist the assault by the State […]
Solidarity initiative’s announcement for the financial support of those arrested at the general strike of June 28th–29th: This initiative was created on Friday, July 1rst, and consists of arrestees and people in solidarity. The purpose of our initiative is to help meet the high-cost bails and juridical expenses that were […]
The people arrested during the general strike demonstrations of June 28th and 29th need our support. It is urgent that 3,000 Euros are raised for one demonstrator alone, so that he doesn’t go to jail. The money needs to be collected until Thursday night, July 7th. An initiative in solidarity […]
Sunday, July 3rd, 2011: The people who participate in the nationwide movement ‘Den Plirono’ (I won’t pay!) have escalated their struggle for free public social commodities, and carried out one more up-to-date action: They liberated the beach Avlaki in Porto Rafti for over three hours. The perimeter fencing of the […] The widespread tactic of police units to throw stones and marbles at protesters was ordered from above, as this video shows. About 15” into the video, the head of the unit (heads of police squads hold no shield) directs his men to pick up stones and marbles and hurdle […]
Six of the arrestees of the demonstration of June 28th, who have been charged with felonies, will appear before the prosecutor on Friday, July 1st. The 17 arrestees of the demo of June 29th remain in custody at police HQ. On Thursday morning (30/6) they were transferred to Evelpidon courts […]
Second day of nationwide general strike URGENT PLEA FOR DOCUMENTS (PHOTOS/VIDEOS) OF CLASHES, in order to prove the innocence of the arrested demonstrators and to expose the brutality of State’s repression. Any relevant information should be sent to Athens IMC: Legal Aid Group of Syntagma Square: 0030 6932 582973, […]
First day of nationwide general strike 24.00 GMT+2 Downtown Athens has become a battlefield. Yet, the people remain on the streets despite the relentless use of tear gas and the fierce attacks by cops, which culminated during the night. The protesters are in urgent need of aid; whoever withdraws from […]
‘Through the sadness of endless mediocrity that suffocates us from everywhere, I console myself that somewhere in a closet several stubborn people struggle to counteract the spoilage.’ [Odysseas Elytis] We are summoned to appear before the Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna, Italy, on June 28th in order to participate in a […]
On June 23th, 2011, anti-fascists undertook a direct public action, painted with tar and sealed with a metal mesh the entrance of the nationalist hangout ‘Desmi Ellinon’ (Bonds of Greeks) that had recently opened in the neighbourhood of Kato Toumba (29, Passalides Str., Aghios Fanourios) in Thessaloniki. There is […]
… financial and economic crisis, loans, memorandum, unemployment, fascism, racist pogroms, social cannibalism, abolishment of labour rights, wages and pensions cuts, rents, cost and price increases… ‘— Should we take our sea bucket and move on to another beach?’ ‘— I don’t believe so, Takis…’ Summer self-managed hangout [steki] in […]
On Saturday, June 18th, at 11am we gather at Eleftheroton Square in the northern suburb of Halandri to continue our protests against the murderous fur trade; against all those who believe that they can continue undisturbed the untold pain and their despicable enrichment. FUR INDUSTRY: A well hidden death trade