Received December 20th: From the hands, to the legs, to the neck- lets break the stability of the authority of the State! Solidarity means to attack! We see the recent operations against anarchists in Spain as a continuation of the States’ authoritarian blow against anarchist and anti-authoritarian individuals and structures. […]
Black December of individualities with the cry of solidarity of new, anarchic, black and direct solidarity solidarity by flaming barricades, Molotov cocktails, bullets, daggers expropriations, explosions, arsons, acts of sabotage pamphlets, banners, verses, texts actions claimed or not multiple anti-hierarchical gestures and an infinity of attacks Comrade Sebastian Angry Oversluij […]
On September 19th, within a small and rotten city, we hung a banner as a small gesture of love and solidarity with the prisoner in struggle Evi Statiri, contributing our part so that her voice resonates in every corner of the earth. FREEDOM FOR EVI STATIRI HERE AND NOW Anarchists […]
A period of downtime (expected to last for several days) is planned from Wednesday, May 27th 2015. administration collective will do their best to make all blogs accessible again at the soonest possible time. This maintenance mode will NOT affect our email. **** Please continue to contact us at […]
looking around i see misery and hate public thugs and their parastate neo-nazi terror with blunt state support make no headlines in their media of distort migrants get murdered in the street a result of the nation’s deadly seed ‘the people’ alerted by mass migration cries for fascist laws for […]
Wondering about “anarcho-tourism”, and my (A)-experience of Greece, I’d like to focus on a non-glamourous part of it. Not that I am not interested in the demonstration techniques, or conspiracy theories, or terrorists’ accusations, nor that I want to be the boring one either. Moreover, it is a complicated task […]
In August 2014, [“RadioAzione | controinformazione anarchica in diretta”] translated and transmitted in Italian one of the latest letters of comrade Pola Roupa (Revolutionary Struggle member who is currently on the run, always with a huge bounty on her head). The source of their translation – titled “Grecia: Scritto […]
On Sunday, October 5th, 2014, the collective of Lelas Karagianni 37 squat organized a concert at the Polytechnic School in Exarchia as a means to financial support of the squat, and as part of a wider campaign against the repressive machinations of the State and the bosses that are targeting […]
“(…) Human strike, today, means refusing to play the role of the victim. Attacking it. Reappropriating violence. Arrogating impunity to ourselves. Making the paralyzed citizens understand that whether or not they go to war they are at war anyway. That when people tell us it’s either you do this or […]
From the 6th to 9th of June 2014, the yearly anarchist camp Pinksterlanddagen took place in Appelscha, the Netherlands. The camp is a long tradition; it was now organized for the 80th time. Under the motto “Do it yourself, no freedom without responsibility,” hundreds of anarchists gathered on the camping […]
Migration poses a high cost in incarceration and mortality exacerbated, inter alia, by outright hunting on the part of opportunistic predators or casual consumers. Migration is most often driven by search of survival resources, but there also exist other reasons why it occurs. Migration has evolved per minority to varying […]