The frivolous advertisements, the coercive smiles of workers and the cheap commodities do not hide the intensified and poorly paid work, the layoffs of those who dare to organise themselves in a class manner, or the supervised working routine. The Jumbo chain not only is an advocate of the above […]
In the night of December 16th 2015, we cheerfully repainted EDF’s Lille premises. We affixed the following message: “neither nuclear, nor CO2!”. The BNP premises in Madeleine were also attacked. Their windows were broken and the following message tagged: “collaborator of ecological disaster”. EDF for their exploitation and export of […]
In the early hours of Friday December 18th, in the context of the call for a “Black December”, we carried out an incendiary attack against the National Bank branch located at Kalokairinou Street in central Heraklion. By means of this action we send: – a combative salute to political prisoners […]
In the night of Saturday 12th to Sunday 13th December 2015, we beautified the headquarters of the RWE energy company in Essen with paint-bombs and pieces of bitumen, to insist that RWE is responsible for climate change. RWE is the largest European CO2 emitter at the top, in addition to […]
While the multinational Vinci is an official partner of the “COP21 Solutions: Come live the climate experience” exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris, providing two conferences there (one of which is co-presented by an executive director of Veolia), to explain to the public at which point their approach is […]
“I would also point out that arson is the least-solved crime in the United States, and that gasoline is really cheap, and matches are free.” Sean Swain, longterm anarchist prisoner; excerpt from his text for Black December On Saturday night, early Sunday December 13th, we chose to carry out an […]
Alexis, you live – 06/12/2008 Αn anarchist rebellion started 7 years ago in Greece, which gained international resonance and continued. Despite the numerous efforts at torturing and killing our comrades worldwide, we don’t let ourselves be intimidated, and no matter how much repression they sow, we’ll only come out of […]
On November 26th, the Spanish Consulate-General in Munich, located at Oberföhringerstraße, was attacked with black paint. Solidarity with all accused under operations Pandora, Piñata, Ice. Neither guilty nor innocent Freedom for all in Italian, Greek, Spanish
A response with fire After the signing of the third memorandum, the SYRIZA-led government is following the dictates of the European Commission (EC) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and continues the policies of the preceding governments from the same point: dismantlement of social security insurance, increase of retirement age […]
In the early hours of December 12th, we torched a vehicle belonging to the company BILL SAFETY,* located at Sevastopoulou Street, in the neighbourhood of Kaisariani. For Anarchy Everything continues For a Black December _ * enterprise that produces a variety of work gear, including military and police uniforms
In the early hours of December 4th, we attacked the ministry of culture in Exarchia with Molotov cocktails. BLACK DECEMBER
In the fiery craters of our inner volcanoes, made with the lava of emotion and the fire of passion, we’ve fed our lust for life… And to Society that wanted to impose its laws and its morals on us, we will firmly respond with our “no,” while all others repeat […]