We got wind of the army (air force) these days exposing themselves at the Besançon shopping centre of Chateaufarine, through an exposition entitled “Wings and men”: the butchers in uniform make demonstrations of their playthings which massacre all over the world for their nation, economy and borders… This institution of khaki […]
After the up all night, a hundred people left as a wild demo at around 2am on Friday 22nd April. On the menu, shouts, some mess, street furniture and a few windows in Saint Fe[rréol] damaged, as well as some bins overturned. Nothing extraordinary, but all the same a beautiful […]
Received April 22nd: Spanish Consulate in Munich hit by several bottles full of paint against the ongoing repression of the Spanish state – international solidarity and attack! Solidarity with Mónica, Francisco and the recently arrested comrade in Barcelona!
Whilst a certain urvoas*, the new minister of justice, today [April 19th] inaugurated the new administrative court, we came and profaned it by spraying used oil and graffiting it. These last days, several dozens of people have been beaten up, mutilated and injured by the police, and others sentenced, imprisoned […]
Today [April 21st], a new mobilisation against the El Khomri law took place in Lille. Following this demonstration, a small block, wanting to get together for the general meeting of struggle at L’Insoumise [Autonmous Space], were charged by BAC [Anti-Crime Brigade] cops. Several people successfully took refuge in the CNT […]
Yesterday [April 19th] in the early evening, around 100 people demonstrated in solidarity with the struggling youths in France during a wild demonstration through [the district of] Bockenheim. For weeks now, thousands of people in France take to the streets against the “labour law“. The youths and rebels are fed […]
Yesterday evening, while [President] Hollande was vomiting his speech on TV, the Lille PS [Socialist Party] office, as well as PS elected Bernard Roman’s parliamentary surgery, were daubed and gratified in support of the struggle against the “Labour” law. With this act, we attack the Socialist Party in its entirety, […]
Received April 13th: Fennovoima-Rosatom tries to build a new nuclear power plant to Pyhäjoki, Finland. Nuclear energy is by every standards outdated technology, financially unprofitable, increases the centralization of energy production and produces hazardous nuclear waste for generations to come. On top of it all, Fennovoima-Rosatom is destroying unique nature […]
We have so much anger to spit on the CGT’s faces, and all unionists, that in the night of April 11th-12th we took a naughty pleasure in repainting with paint filled light bulbs the front of the Labour Exchange in Toulouse, where we also graffitied “Not all cops are blue”. […]
The night of Thursday 7th to Friday the CGT office of the 14th district, rue de l’aube, lost its windows. Because we don’t want their management of the exploitation. We don’t want any management of our slavery, work. Because we don’t oppose the Labour law, we oppose law and work. […]
Received April 3rd: When checking the interwebs on 29th of March we found an interesting contradiction. The local yellow press price winner, Ilta-Sanomatm published a short article about two magically self-combusted cars of the private security company Securitas. At the same time an anonymous operator claimed responsibility on torching these […]
Wednesday evening, 30/03/2016. At the foot of the Saint-Gilles prison wall [in Brussels], two cars were set on fire: a large car of an MEP and one luxury car of an OTAN employee. Against the militarisation of Brussels, for freedom. Solidarity with the anarchists Mónica and Francisco.