‘It’s not a crisis! It’s the system!’ Opening demo: October 15th, 2011, 16.00 MEZ, Werderplatz, Karlsruhe Anarchistische Netzwerk Südwest* / Anarchist Network Southwest* The call Among the Greek population the anger is growing: demonstrations, strikes, occupations. Since the announcement of the austerity measures by the Greek government and the EU, […]
Friday, October 14th, at 20.00: People’s assembly in Merkouri Square Saturday, October 15th, at 15.00: Collective kitchen in PIKPA squat (Timodimou and Antoniadou streets, ‘Petrina’, Ano Petralona) Tuesday, October 18th, at 19.00: Demonstration in the neighbourhood (we meet outside Petralona metro station, from the side of the pedestrian street of […]
In Athens alone, the squats live under constant threat of fascists and police. Organized neo-Nazi gangs attack repeatedly occupied projects with arsons, backed by the police. The Greek police tend to launch vengeful attacks on squats whenever riots break out. Very little money is available for the building maintenance of […]
On Saturday morning, September 17th, a counter-information PA’s [mikrofoniki] was held outside the metro station in Maroussi regarding the fascist attack against Kouvelou squat. Several comrades attended the gathering which lasted quite a long time, while a communiqué of the collectivity was distributed. Also, a large number of texts were […]
URGENT SOLIDARITY WITH CRISTOBAL BRAVO FRANKE Anti-authoritarian comrade was kidnapped by the Power on September 15th, 2011, accused of involvement in the attack on a henchman of Power in the commemoration of September 11th in Chile (day in which the military coup of 1973 took place). TO DEFEND THE STRUGGLE […]
Public statement of military service refusal To the Hellenic National Defense General Staff and to all military recruitment authorities What if someone told me, ‘What do you want then; to change humankind?’ I would answer, ‘No, something infinitely more moderate; I’d wish for humankind to change itself.’ —Cornelius Castoriadis My […]
On May 3rd, 2010, wanted anarchist Simos Seisidis accidentally runs into a police patrol. In his effort to escape by running, he is shot from behind and in cold blood by the cop Panagiotis Bokos who was chasing him. His severe injury had as a result the amputation of his […]
Brief reflections on the uprising of the immigrants in Bari (Italy) and not only Certainly, it’s an expression that we often hear. After the incidents of the last days, or months, it’s time to take it in serious consideration. Indeed, a few days ago (Monday, August 1st) — as already […]
Since we were not born yesterday but we retain memory, since we spit on the propaganda of the corporate media… Either born here or not, we also live and walk in these streets, so we know very well that: ALSO THE GREEKS MURDER (massive numbers) in Afghanistan, Somalia and wherever […]
A solidarity banner in Exarchia square for Christos Kolentinis and all imprisoned comrades. On Friday night, July 8th, C.K. was arrested, tortured by the bastards of MAT (riot police) and hospitalized with severe wounds. A solidarity poster by the Self-organized Hangout Ano-Kato Patission (Koliatsou square) has also been pasted during […]
yesterday’s emigrants are today’s immigrants On June 9th, 2011, the police forcibly evacuated and destroyed the immigrants’ settlement in Igoumenitsa. Dozens of them were arrested while many were forced to flee to the mainland. Some arrived in our city [Ioannina, northwestern Greece]. Immigrants — that are the most underrated and […]
On July 29th, 30th and 31st, “autonomous nationalists” will camp for the third consecutive year on Lake Plastiras, which is located near the city of Karditsa. Given that lately they have become even more impertinent in different cities, but also because we consider it unacceptable to let their gatherings unanswered […]