Sunday 17th May 2015: Last night an action took place at the site of Europe’s second largest prison in construction on Wrexham Industrial Estate in North Wales. The mega-prison, if built, will cage more than 2100 human beings at any one time. Multiple large diggers and construction equipment had their […]
Contra Info
The call for this year’s June 11th, International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason, Eric McDavid & All Longterm Anarchist Prisoners, is titled Transition: The struggle’s not over… Check it out here, and send information about J11 events, materials and any reportbacks to june11th[at] and supportmariusmason[at] Please print out and […]
Comrades, we inform: That as subversives who inhabit the High Security Prison (CAS in Santiago), from 00:00 today, May 18th 2015, we join the hunger strike that Juan Flores, Guillermo Duran and Nataly Casanova have assumed as a form of struggle. We do this with a deep sense of anti-prison […]
11.05.15: Graffiti & flyer action in the inner-city suburbs of Melbourne for the anarchist comrades facing repression inside the dungeons of the Chilean state. Slogans sprayed for Nataly, Juan and Guillermo – on hunger strike since April 13th-14th – and for Tamara Sol Vergara and Natalia Tato Collado. Flyers pasted […]
At dawn of a historic day of struggle [1st May], we wanted to make the daily violence of the justice system towards those dominated obvious; whether undocumented, residents of lower-class neighbourhoods, Roma or anti-capitalist activists. Last April, the Nantes prosecutor Brigitte Lamy chooses not to prosecute the police officers who […]
Around 300 participants gathered at approximately 2pm in front of the Autonomous Centre in Wuppertal for the twenty-ninth May 1st demonstration since 1986. Many felt that the turnout was disappointing, because this year’s demo was primarily dedicated to sending out solidarity towards the victim of a recent fascist knife attack. […]
Click the poster to read/spread multilingual call. For many years, Antifrontex Days have been organised in Warsaw; it’s time to give them a new impetus and strengthen each other’s voices of protest. Thus, together, we, migrants and allies, invite you for the Antifrontex Days, which will take place in Warsaw […]
Note from Contra Info: We publish the following English translation as we received. We reiterate that we may diffuse contributions regardless of whether or not we agree with any given views. We’d just like to point out that the 2012 Spanish edition mentioned below is also one we have opted […]
Saturday 25th April 2015, a few people gathered at place pasteur in response to the death of hundreds of refugees on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea last weekend. A banner saying “Down with the walls of Europe – No Border No Nation” was hung over the barriers of Passages […]
From a small and rotten city, within the limits imposed by the Uruguayan State, this graffiti is a small wink in complicity with all comrades behind bars in any type of prison and those who are decisive to struggle daily against this society of imprisonment: you are not alone! We […]
The poster reads: Out in the streets for an autonomous 1st May 2015! Refugees welcome! Autonomous Centre at Gathe stays! Whether Pegida (“patriotic europeans against islamisation of the occident”), HoGeSa (“hooligans against salafists”), Nazis, or a mob of citizens – confront racist agitation! Get involved in the social question and […]
We claim responsibility for the act of vandalism against the night club “café Candela”, located in 5077 San Pablo Avenue, during the night-dawn of April 7th, through the placement of an incendiary device with an ignition system consisting of a slow-burning fuse. The damage occasioned was far less than we […]