Friday, February 22nd, 2013
In the framework of the international campaign in solidarity with anti-authoritarian struggle in Greek territory, we called a demonstration in front of the embassy in Montevideo as a gesture of complicity with our comrades who have been fighting to subvert this order of misery for years.
Recently, the repressive forces of the State and fascist groups have ratcheted up their constant instigation against anarchist and anti-capitalist groups. The eviction of autonomous-social spaces and detention of their members, the persecution and imprisonment of comrades for acts of sabotage and expropriation, and the repression of everyone who takes an active position within struggles are all part of a repression wave emanating from a system of domination that does not allow itself to be questioned.
We understand that these repressive events are not isolated or confined to a particular context, but rather repeated in every space where the power of the State is threatened. This recipe is used worldwide in efforts to maintain relations of domination and exploitation.
We defend anti-authoritarian struggle and its methods, towards a rupture with the suffocating reality that we are also living here. We do not forget those who, this very moment, are imprisoned, prosecuted or on the run.
Proclamation read at the embassy of Greece:
Once more, we are here at the Greek embassy to express our solidarity with imprisoned comrades in struggle against Capital. Repression against anarchists is the common currency these days. Dozens of comrades are incarcerated as part of a confrontation between those who attempt to put the brakes on this system of oppression and those who hold power.
These days, fascism is on the rise throughout Europe, principally in Greece, where the Nazi party of Golden Dawn is represented in parliament. With this example we see once again that, whoever governs, repression will always be the same. Democracy, just as much as a de facto government is the perfect nest in which future fascist chicks are hatched and raised.
At this moment, repression is not limited to the Greek anarchist movement. Repression is also directed against the organizations of the so-called popular sector.
As a result, repression targets students, direct-action unions, environmental activists, and the Greek squatters’ movement, which, despite suffering fierce repression, grows day by day.
Governments have set repression as a norm, and we do not differentiate between leftist and right-wing governments. In Argentina repression targets those who take and loot supermarkets. In Uruguay the broad-front Left locks up all individuals who oppose the interests of the government. In Brazil thousands are evicted from favelas ahead of the upcoming Olympics. In Peru settlers in the Cajamarca region are shot dead for their opposition to the Conga gold mine project. In Bolivia the growing informal anarchist movement is repressed, and in Mexico political-media scenarios are invented in which anarchist comrades are accused of terrorism. In Chile on one hand repression against anarchists is expanding, but at the same time the offensive against the structures of Capital and repression continues.
These are the reasons why we are here today, to show our solidarity one more time with our comrades in struggle, with those insurrectionary hearts that attack the structures of Capital, and with those who confront the evictions of occupied spaces face to face.
May no imprisoned comrade be forgotten, may every comrade on the run be vindicated as a lover of freedom, and may every squat be a nest of solidarity and action against this asphyxiant world.
Long live the Greek resistance
Active solidarity with imprisoned anarchist comrades
Solidarity and action against repression
the blog of the campaign: fightnow.noblogs.org