On Wednesday, May 9th, police detained two comrades, one of them at his working place and the other one at his house. They were both transferred to the Department of Special Operations, and in the morning of Thursday, May 10th, they were taken to the Court to testify.
The one was released, while comrade David was taken in custody once again, accused for attacking a scab taxi driver, who was working on May Day.
The sentence might extent from 3 months up to 3 years’ imprisonment, and the judge will take his decision during the next 10 days. Comrade David is been charged with physical assault and material damages on vehicles.
What the State condemns is not just the aforementioned incident, but the attack against the crutches of its bosses, since it is not very convenient for their world of exploitation; what is being convicted is the rupture with the life conditions that are imposed by the State and the Capital.
At the same time, they try to generate fear to all those that will not bow their head or look away, all those that do not resign, and all those that do not accept this way of living. This is why we address a call to stand in solidarity, so that we make it clear that no comrade will be left alone.
Friday, May 11th: Solidarity gathering at Libertad Square, by 16.00, for the liberation of anarchist comrade David.
source: periódico anarquía