The Occupied Social Centre VOX, one of the two buildings that were evicted by police in Exarchia on April 20th, was re-occupied the next day by anarchists, neighbours and other people in solidarity, who tore down the steel plates sealing off its entrances.
On April 26th a few of the comrades who had helped the squatters re-occupy VOX, reported that all of the steel plates used by the cops and their paid mercenaries to seal it off were kept and have now been sold in the market, and all profits (nearly 300 euros) will be given as financial aid to imprisoned fighters across Greece.
Congratulations, comrades!
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Rigid repressive authority will never defeat the fluid ingenuity of the ordinary people.They can’t police us all 24 hours a day.
On June 23rd, 2012, a crew of TOXOTIS S.A. (company that works as an external partner of the Public Power Corporation) appeared at the Occupied Social Centre VOX and, after digging the sidewalk outside the squat, interrupted the power supply with a cutting wheel. The same crew posted a notice outside the political space, informing that they would return the next day (24/6) to complete the works. In the morning of June 24th, comrades gathered at VOX and forced the same crew to reconnect the electricity immediately and repair the sidewalk.