On Tuesday, 8 February, by 4pm, the coordinated attack of junta’s henchmen culminated against the people of Keratea (Attica-Greece). During the last two months, since 11 December, residents and people in solidarity resist strongly against the landfill construction project in Lavreotiki area. People oppose by any means to the plan of their lives’ deterioration and the natural wealth’s plunder that are attempted by the construction companies’ hyenas and their political crutches of democratic dictatorship.
The resistance of the local society through institutions but also by widespread social counter-violence – such as almost daily clashes with riot police at the barricades with Molotov cocktails, stone throwing and sabotage of the constructions – could not be left unanswered.
In an unprecedented (as far as this area is concerned) motivation of all State repressive mechanism’s instruments, police security bastards raided houses of fighters-residents so as to criminalize their actions and intimidate all those who resist. Policemen beat and arrested many persons. One detainee’s mother suffered a heart attack, as was witnessed even by the town’s mayor. People in solidarity tried to prevent the arrest and demanded his immediate release, circling the local police station. In this way, the State launched its military-style operation. Police squads unleashed a biological warfare, with continued use of tear and asphyxiant gas, pepper spray, as well as flash bang grenades, aiming to exterminate the local community.

The deafening silence of corporate media was once again in full coordination with the uniformed pigs’ misanthropy: while plainclothes thugs and riot cops wacked ‘young and old men, women and children’ (according to many in situ reports) and shouted at times Alexis Grigoropoulos’ name in an apparent show-off of their murderous self-satisfaction, on the parliament’s benches the new health policy amendments were discussed. The mass media provided for full disclosure of the events in Keratea-Lavreotiki – ironically, provoking ‘nostalgia’ for former breaking news bulletin of misinformation. At the same time that the corporate left limited its reaction to a query on the parliament’s agenda, and made vague denouncements of police violence, people of all ages and ideologies were practicing their right to active self-defense, throwing pots, oranges, stones and any other handy object from balconies and streets against the town’s fully-armored invaders.
The junta’s henchmen turned an entire region into a militarized zone, broke the blockade of the Industrial Park (VIO.PA), occupied the main streets of Keratea and restricted the fighting residents to small enclaves of resistance in streets around Agios Dimitrios central square. Indicative of the events – which the State, the bosses and the media parrots want to wipe out – was the overall wake of war: churches’ bells resounded from early afternoon calling people to go on the streets while the municipal radio of Lavreotiki hosted (even for a few hours) live correspondence against junta’s regime.
Lavreotiki area and particularly the town of Keratea have been secluded, literally and figuratively; this can be proved by dozens of angry eye-witnesses, dozens of injured and wounded citizens, the guarded approaches to the region, the all-out attack on a radical struggle which is convicted in obscurity by the regime and its mouthpieces. But mainly this is indicated by the common testimony of all those who publicly denounced State’s brutality, stressing that only by chance did we not mourn victims tonight (until 9/2). At least in one case, a plainclothes cop pulled his gun against people.
The exact number of injured, detained and arrested has not yet been verified. The only certainty is that the struggle of Keratea and Lavreotiki residents is our struggle, a struggle on the verge of despair and mere survival. The most conservative to the most radical individuals of the local community recognize the State as terrorizing mechanism, and call out for solidarity that might and shall be expressed by any means, throughout Greece and abroad. On Wednesday, 9/2 at 7pm residents and people in solidarity call an open gathering in Agios Dimitrios central square (in front of the church), in Keratea.
There will be more updates on the situation
and a brief bulletin on the two-month mobilizations.

More info: actforfreedomnow / / occupiedlondon
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