“Political act is what really counts, not plain words. There are quite many who use big words, and behave differently behind the scenes doing what they do, and by saying this, I do not mean the politicians—their conduct is well known—, I mean people who generally partake in our milieu, […]
urban guerrilla warfare
‘For sure, contradiction holds lead in our detractors’ criticism. Thus, the alleged “defeat” of claiming responsibility is used at the same time by innocent imprisoned anarchists, and solidarians of theirs, as main alibi for proving that they are not associated with what cops accuse them of (take the trial for […]
September 4, 2013 “To my goal I will go—on my own way; over those who hesitate and lag behind I shall leap. Thus let my going be their going under.” Friedrich Nietzsche This open letter is not addressed to the official milieu and its weathered structures. I despise its stereotypes, […]
PHOENIX PROJECT Freedom for anarchists of praxis incarcerated in Italy i. ‘Return of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from the ashes’ Only in those moments when our tension for freedom is rejoined with practice do we truly manage to live anarchy, here and now. Unfortunately the dream we carry […]
On Tuesday, June 4th, at 18.30, comrades call for a political discussion at the Athens Polytechnic School, in the Gini building, towards organizing solidarity actions for hunger striker Kostas Sakkas. There will also be telephone communication with the comrade, who will speak directly from Koridallos prison. Kostas is an anarchist […]
On April 3rd, 2013 the judgment on the Revolutionary Struggle case was a slight improvement of the prosecutor’s proposal. The court’s decision on the Revolutionary Struggle case: Defendants who have denied participation in the organization – Acquittal of Marie Beraha, Sarantos Nikitopoulos and Kostas Katsenos of all charges (on benefit […]
On the 5th of April 2013 begins yet another court-martial inside the women’s prisons in Koridallos on the case of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (recall that already a third CCF trial is underway on the incendiary package mailings, etc.). This new proceeding deals with the 250 bombings and […]
Latest information on the court proceeding that the International Red Aid has disseminated: The prosecutor proposed the sentencing of the three admitted members of the Revolutionary Struggle, Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis and Kostas Gournas, even though no evidence was presented in court that would substantiate their involvement in the specific […]
“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible…” […]
Demonstration in memory of anarchist Lambros Foundas, member of Revolutionary Struggle… Three years ago, on the 10th of March 2010, comrade Lambros Foundas was killed in armed battle with the police in the suburb of Dafni, Athens, in his attempt to expropriate a car which would have been used in an […]
In the early morning hours of Monday, February 18th, groups of comrades carried out coordinated attacks on various targets in the neighbourhoods of Athens, targets that represent different aspects of a reality that not only we do not perceive as given but instead we arrange for its destruction with all […]