Solidarity is a living force! Light it up! On Monday, December 16th, 2013, as a hot sun of 34°C was setting and the full moon was rising against the sky that covers us, we paid a visit to a Santander bank branch located on Osvaldo Aranha Avenue, right in front […]
A couple of painted slogans found on the streets of La Orotava, Tenerife. Freedom for Mónica and Francisco! Freedom for prisoners!
FREEDOM FOR MÓNICA CABALLERO AND FRANCISCO SOLAR On December 23, 2013 we soiled the walls of this fucking town once again. Combative greetings from Thebes. Freedom for anarchist guerrillas.
“Solidarity with anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, hostages of the Spanish State. Nothing is over. Everything continues.” source: parabellum
On December 5th, in the evening, several people gathered in the Schanze district of Hamburg in order to show their solidarity with the five anarchists who were arrested in Barcelona on November 13th, 2013. Leaflets were shared and read out, some slogans chanted and fireworks lit. There were also banners […]
Break the modern Inquisition On Friday, November 22nd, 2013 the Durruti Library sent telegrams to both of the comrades; the one for Mónica was bounced back with an undelivered notice. The justice system forbids the access of letters, books or texts to our anarchist comrades Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero. […]
On the night from 25 to 26 November 2013, we attacked the Santander Bank located on Frankfurter Allee in Friedrichshain, Berlin. This action intended to send solidarity greetings to the 5 anarchists in Spain who are suspected to have attacked a church. We chose the Santander Bank because it is […]
To leave no room for doubt… As anarchists we are in constant confrontation with the State/Capital in all its manifestations; this is a no-brainer. But sometimes, especially when Power falls down on us in all its brutality, glances get confused making strides towards ambiguous and unclear positions. I believe it’s […]
On Thursday, November 28th, at 6am, plainclothes cops from the Information Brigade of the Spanish National Police launched a large-scale operation against activists from various different collectives, under the orders of Cristina Cifuentes, a politician of the ruling right-wing Partido Popular (People’s Party), and current central government delegate in Madrid. […]
On November 24th, several compañerxs unfolded a banner from the top of the Berlin Cathedral, which read “Solidarity with the 5 anarch@s from Barcelona – Freedom for all” referring to Gerardo, Rocío, Valeria, Mónica and Francisco, who were arrested in Barcelona on November 13th, 2013. The comrades are accused under […]
Phoenix Project, Act 8: Action with incendiary/explosive device against a Board of Elections office and in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar. (Chile) We are not spectators, but convinced enemies of all forms of domination. Today, wielding the weapons of life and the ideas of rebellion, we wanted to […]